Hypertension is one of the most common diseases which affects people across cultures. Every country across the globe has a sizable population under the shadow of this disease. This article provides some information about the different stages of this medical condition.
Hypertension or high blood pressure, is the condition wherein the blood pressure level of a person is consistently high. It is the most common cause of heart attacks, organ damage, kidney failure, and retinopathy. It affects a staggering 50 million people in the US alone. The worrying aspect of the disease is that most of the people are unaware of the health risk it poses. But on receiving proper medical care and implementing certain behavioral changes, a person can easily be cured and the health hazards can be avoided.
There are several ways in which this condition can be categorized. Based on the levels of systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) readings, high blood pressure can be easily detected. According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) of the US, certain levels of blood pressure pertain to different stages of healthy and abnormal levels of blood pressure.
Accordingly, a SBP of little less than 120 and a DBP of less than 80, is considered as the normal level of blood pressure. The pre-hypertension level sets in when the reading varies between 120 – 139 SBP and 80 – 89 DBP, although most experts still dispute its inclusion as a stage of high blood pressure and advocate its inclusion in the normal level. Stage 1 is associated with a reading of 140 – 150 systolic and 90 – 99 diastolic. This is a mild level and doesn’t pose any significant threat, if controlled at this stage itself. Three out of four affected individuals fall in this category.
It can be easily controlled by the proper intake of diuretics and lifestyle modifications. Stage 2 is of 160 – 179 systolic and 100 – 109 diastolic. This is the moderate stage, which needs to be addressed if present and brought down immediately to ensure a proper recovery. Stage 3 corresponds to a SBP of 180 – 209 and a DHP of 110 – 119. All readings which denote a level similar to this are a cause for serious concern. Usually, even a small amount of negligence towards the gravity of the situation may, in fact, prove fatal.
Another system of classification is the benign and malignant form. In terms of the stages mentioned above, a benign level consists of stage 1 and 2, whereas stage 3 and 4 come under the malignant level. Malignant or stage 3 levels can have severe implications and demand immediate attention. Another way to classify this disease is primary and secondary, depending on the causes of high blood pressure.
The primary level is as a result of the lifestyle factors like severe stress, alcohol addiction, smoking, and drug abuse or the genetic makeup of individuals. The secondary is caused due to some disease or medical conditions inherent in a person such as renal diseases, pregnancy, use of oral contraceptives, or thyroid level fluctuations.
This condition should be detected early and promptly acted upon. A person with abnormal levels of blood pressure and under any form of medication, should regularly monitor blood pressure levels. The best ways of treatment would be to inculcate a positive attitude towards life, and follow a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Those dealing with weight issues could seek advice of an expert, and the use of some medications, a properly guided diet, and refraining from smoking would definitely help with the treatment. Also, exercise, meditation, and yoga therapy are risk-free and the best ways to get rid of this disease.
Disclaimer: This HealthHearty article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.