Strep throat is the most common type of throat infection. Strep throat facts inform us that anyone can suffer from strep throat; but it is more common in small kids and teenagers. Scroll down to know some facts about the infection that causes irritation of throat….
One can experience sore throat due to several kinds of throat infections. Strep throat is one of the most common type of throat infections in children and adults. It is the condition wherein fever, sore throat and difficulty in swallowing due to reddened or inflamed throat is noticed. This situation arises when the bacteria called Streptococcus pyogenes invade your throat. Therefore, this type of infection of throat is commonly recognized as strep throat.
Important Information and Interesting Facts about Strep Throat
- Usually, adults don’t suffer from cough or runny nose during strep throat, but they suffer from fever, sore throat and swollen neck glands. Children with this type of throat infection may have red skin rash along with sore throat, fever, cough, runny nose and abdominal pain.
- Neglecting the symptoms of strep throat, especially in children can lead to several health complications. The infection may spread to inner ear, tonsils, sinus cavities and skin. It can even spread into blood. It can lead to pneumonia or rheumatic fever which can damage heart valves. Delay in treatment can therefore prove to be life-threatening.
- Strep throat is contagious. Any direct or indirect contact (sharing utensils, clothes, etc.) with a person having strep throat increases your chances of catching the infection. During the incubation period (2-4 days) of the bacteria also, the infection can be spread from one person to other. Read more on when is strep throat contagious.
- Antibiotics can help you get rid of the infection. A patient does not carry the risk of spreading the bacteria, 24 hours after taking the prescribed antibiotics. Those who have suffered from this disorder in the past are more likely to catch the infection again.
- When children with the throat infection are sent to schools, colleges, daycare centers, camps, etc.; streptococcus bacteria spread very quickly. Strep throat can be acute, like sudden onset of sore throat and fever. Or it can be chronic and recurrent, i.e., one can suffer from it again and again, over an extended period. HIV-positive adults can have recurring strep throat.
- Skin rash developed during this disorder does not necessarily indicate infection spread in the skin. The child may develop rash due to the toxins released by the bacteria. About 10% of children with strep throat suffer from skin rash which starts in the area near the face and neck. It then spreads to other body parts. This condition is also known as ‘scarlet fever’.
- Strep throat fact sheet informs us that headache, vomiting, excessive tiredness, severe pain in throat, thick drainage from nose (in case of infants), loss of appetite, pus covering the tonsils, increased irritability, etc., are some of the common symptoms of streptococcus infection in throat, in children.
- Strep throat symptoms are severe in small children while they are milder in adults. A blood test, swab test, examination of the symptoms, etc., help diagnose the condition. Doctors usually prescribe the antibiotic penicillin. Some people may have allergy to penicillin. Other medications like amoxicillin, cephalosporins, and clindamycin also work great for strep throat.
- Home remedies like gargling with warm salted water or with warm water after adding ½ teaspoon turmeric powder, can help relieve the stabbing pain in the throat. Maintaining a good respiratory and hand hygiene, keeping proper distance during interaction with people can help prevent transmission of the bacteria from one person to other. Drinking plenty of liquids is essential during strep throat. Warm soups, herbal teas work great for sore throat and can make you feel better.
- About 100 different types of Group A Streptococcus (also called GAS) bacteria, which lead to strep throat, have been identified! If you are suffering from runny nose, sore throat, cough, hoarseness, etc., it can be a viral infection which does not require any medication! Strep throat symptoms are seen 2-3 days after the bacteria enter your body. Once you take the antibiotics, the symptoms go away within a week.
Remember, even if you feel better after a few doses of antibiotics, you should finish the antibiotics as suggested by the doctor. Otherwise some bacteria may remain in the throat and you might again suffer from the same symptoms. Excessive consumption of antibiotics is not only harmful for your own body but also harmful for the whole society. It leads to antibiotic resistant bacteria which cannot be killed with antibiotics. It is better to prevent infections by keeping yourself fit with the help of balanced diet and regular exercise.