Many people have been wanting to know more about the swine flu incubation period. Read the article with all the requisite information about swine flu symptoms, treatment and its incubation period.
Swine flu created a massive uproar world wide. Every virus, bacteria or pathogen of any time has a certain incubation period. This period is the time it takes for the symptoms to appear after the pathogen enters the body. Like all influenza pathogens the average incubation period is two days. However, studies have shown individual periods to range between one day to seven days, overall.
As such, there is quite a dispute all over the world about the incubation period. Hence, as a suggestion it would be wise to keep an eye out for approximately 10 days to be sure of the infection. Most US cases have shown the incubation period to be between two to seven days.
It is important to know which symptoms to keep an eye out for. Here is a list of the swine flu symptoms.
- unusual tiredness
- headache
- runny nose
- sore throat
- shortness of breath or cough
- loss of appetite
- aching muscles
- diarrhea or vomiting
These are the typical symptoms of any viral flu. Hence it is very important to get yourself tested at the first bout of symptoms. Do not wait for too long after the symptoms appear for the treatment. The longer you wait, the more severe the symptoms will be.
Okay, so you notice the symptoms and have a regular one day of panic. Then you go and get yourself tested for swine flu. If you test positive, you go through the regular “I am going to die!” feeling. However, there are treatments for swine flu when taken in time.
If the treatment is sought in the early stages of the infection, antiviral medicines oseltamivir (Tamiflu) and zanamivir (Relenza), will work at treating the infection. However, further research is being conducted on the same, as certain cases are showing viral resistance to the medication. Paracetamol is also showing an ability to weaken the infection, making it easier to treat it.
However, patients who are in the latter stages of the infection are administered antibiotics. These antibiotics are the ones that help fight bacterial infection of the likes of pneumonia. Another option for treatment that is being used is precaution. Vaccines are given to everyone who is vulnerable to seasonal flu bouts. These vaccines are precautionary and seem to be fairly effective in keeping the infection at bay.
Will I Die from Swine Flu?
This is a very important question that seems to cloud many minds. To relieve you of the fear, I would like to tell you that, yes, one can die from swine flu. However, that is if and only if a person does not take any treatment for the infection. Treatment for the infection works and the vaccines help at reducing the infection density. Unborn children can get affected by the virus if the mother is infected by it as well. Nonetheless, there are cases of many pregnant women being infected, but making it out safe and sound, with the child.
Hope this article helped you answer the few generic questions about swine flu that may have come to your mind. Always remember that precaution is far better than cure. So, keep yourself healthy and be wary of your surroundings.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.