Tachycardia is when the heart beats faster than its normal pace. Learn about the effects it has on children as well as what causes it.
A heart that beats normally runs at a rate between 60-100 beats a minute when at rest. In the case of tachycardia, the chambers of the heart, be it the top or lower (sometimes even both), beat at a rate that crosses the normal range. Sinus tachycardia occurs when the sinus node doesn’t function right, due to a problem that takes place after open heart surgery.
Either the problem of tachycardia takes place, or one that is the opposite of this, called ‘bradycardia‘, where the heart rate drops dangerously below the normal heart rate. Either medication or the need to implant a pacemaker are the options that children have when this happens.
There are different types of tachycardia that one can experience in his life, which we will discuss later. We also look into the causes and symptoms in children who experience a rapid heartbeat.
Types of Tachycardia in Children/Adults
- Smoking
- Electrolyte imbalance in the body
- Heart tissue damage caused by heart disease
- Anemia
- Elevated blood pressure levels
- Exercise
- Anxiety
- Over-indulgence in caffeinated drinks (coffee/energy drinks)
- Fever
- Dehydration
- Congenital heart defect
- Somatic pain
- Pulse rate quickens
- Fainting
- Feeling lightheaded on many occasions
- Feeling dizzy
- Breath is irregular
- Heart palpitations (conscious sensation of a rapid heart rate)
- Pain residing in the chest area
One must get ongoing signs checked out for any abnormality of the heart, or find the underlying cause that is behind it if it has nothing to do with a physical problem.