Bodybuilding is a sport in which testosterone injections for men are quite a common occurrence. Men who suffer from a natural shortage of this hormone use these supplements to help in masculine growth of their body, or to correct other health issues.
Testosterone injections are mostly used for testosterone replacement therapy. Men suffering from andropause or infertility are prime candidates for this therapy. These injections are administered intramuscularly and generally under a hospital setting or a physicians clinic. They are given to individuals whose bodies have stopped producing the hormone naturally or are produced in low quantities. They are also used by bodybuilders to put on lean muscle mass as this is a male growth hormone. There were some experiments done in Europe which indicated that these injections helped in treating some cardiovascular diseases. They are also used to treat conditions like hypogonadism and damaged hypothalamus. There are quite a few associated benefits, and we will take a look at them before moving on to the side effects.
Testosterone has many medical applications when it comes to treating sexual dysfunctions and growth related issues in men. Our bodies peak production during puberty and every year the level produced by the body goes down by 2 percent. The body’s natural levels start dwindling rapidly after the age of 40 and then men face problems like erectile dysfunctions, depression, and weakening of bones. Some of the benefits of testosterone injections for men are:
- It is the most useful component of muscle strength and mass, and people who undergo this therapy have experienced instant results. Injectable testosterone is fast reacting as it mixes in the blood stream and shows immediate results, hence it is very popular for bodybuilding. So, to improve muscle mass and bone density these are one of the most inexpensive options available today.
- It also improves male libido and is used extensively to treat erectile dysfunctions and also to strengthen erections. They also help the sperm count to increase in men who have a problem with infertility.
- Undergoing a testosterone replacement therapy will also energize you and give you the strength to perform various heavy tasks. This is the main reason behind their popularity in the sports fraternity. It is the secret behind male vitality according to some experts.
Oral supplementation is not as effective as the injectable version, because the body absorbs it quickly from the intestines and the liver breaks it into components that are not useful. In the injectable variant, they are given intramuscular shots which mixes in the blood stream immediately to show instant results. The dosage depends on the age and situation of the individual. There are two popular variants available – Enanthate and Cypionate. Bodybuilders have been known to take a dosage of 1-2 grams per week to help them put on muscular mass. The dosage for people with infertility and erectile dysfunction varies from 400-800 mg per week. Some hormonal conditions are treated using 250-500 mg per week.
Side Effects
People using testosterone injections can suffer from mild to severe side effects, and that is the main reason behind consulting a physician before starting such a treatment. Some mild side effects are a breakout of acne after the injection. People also experience sustained pain and irritation at the injected area. Swelling of legs and arms is also a possibility after a dosage, especially in the injected region. There is a ‘valley’ and ‘peak’ period, wherein you feel high energy levels for 2-3 days just after the injection and a low stage as the effects start wearing off. Mood swings are the most common psychological effect that can be seen. In severe cases, it leads to gynecomastia, and in some rare cases heart failure.
Testosterone injections for men are referred to as the big ‘T’ and are known to help many with their bedroom problems. These injections are also beneficial to treat hormonal problems and the psychological problems that arise with it. The only advise is to consult your doctor before you devise an action plan.