Third stage kidney disease is moderately serious, but offers number of treatment options. Read on to know more..
Renal failure has become one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Kidney disease often erupts from lifestyle disorders like hypertension and diabetes. It is classified into 5 stages according to its severity. The very early stages of kidney disease may not induce any symptoms, hence may go unnoticed. Stage 3 is when most symptoms of kidney disease become evident. Third stage kidney disease is moderately severe and may or may not progress into advance stages of chronic kidney disease. Nonetheless, there are number of treatment options at this stage which can prevent further development of this disease.
Causes of Kidney Disease
Kidney disease may evolve on its own due to damage to the structures of the kidneys, polycystic kidney disease, severe kidney infection or it may be an outcome of some other diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, chronic illnesses, autoimmune disorders, etc. Oftentimes, kidney disease may originate from external factors such as drugs, industrial toxins and congenital defects. Malfunctioning of other organs such as heart or liver may also affect the function of kidneys and cause kidney disease in the long run.
Third Stage Kidney Disease Symptoms
This is the first stage of chronic kidney disease in which actual physical symptoms may appear. You may notice recognizable changes in the color of urine. It often changes to bright orange or red or brown. Other prominent physical symptoms of this disease include, water retention in various parts of the body. You may notice swelling in hands and legs due to accumulation of water. A laboratory test at this stage reveals increased levels of protein and microalbumins. These tests also indicate presence of toxins and waste in the blood as well as abnormal levels of electrolyte which can be traced to malfunctioning of kidneys. At this stage, an estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) is calculated based upon the person’s age, gender, race, etc. The eGFR rate at this stage is often between 30 to 59. Depending upon eGFR, kidney disease at third stage can be classified into two sub stages 3A (45 – 59) and 3B (30 – 44).
After the exact cause of kidney disease has been ascertained by the various diagnostic tests, treatment for the same can begin. The first step is to treat or control the underlying cause of the disease. The next step is to prevent the further advancement of disease. Nephrologists take various measures to keep your kidneys in existing working condition, if it is not possible to improve their function. An appointment with a dietitian is a must at this stage, as the disease can be controlled only by eating right foods. You will need a special diet that is devoid of phosphorus, magnesium and potassium. These three minerals put a lot of strain on kidneys and do not get easily eliminated from the system. You will also have to restrict your sodium intake as it is primarily responsible for water retention in the body. If your kidney disease is a result of diabetes or hypertension, then your nephrologist will first try to bring these disorders under control. He will also encourage you to lead a healthy lifestyle in general to improve your kidney function.
If you start treatment on time and if your body responds well, third stage kidney disease life expectancy can be very good. On the other hand, if it goes untreated it may lead to various complications. If the disease progresses into advanced stage then you will only have a few treatment options. This may also seriously jeopardize your chances of survival and recovery.