Throwing up blood clots is not normal, however it can be treated. This article discusses the possible causes, symptoms and treatment for this condition.
Vomiting is a symptom of many medical conditions which may or may not be serious. The medical term used for vomiting blood is hematemesis. Throwing blood through vomiting is different from coughing blood. The former is common, whereas the latter is known as hemoptysis and is rarely found. However, throwing up blood clots can be a serious matter and hence, requires medical attention.
Although this condition is not normal, it has many effective treatment options. The treatment may depend upon the condition of the affected person. Hence, it is very important to get the treatment as soon as it is observed.
There are many causes behind this condition. However, the most common reason behind it is bleeding ulcers in the stomach. If one is throwing blood at the time of coughing and spitting, then the reason may be related to respiratory problems. Excessive vomiting may put pressure on the blood vessels and break them, which may also cause bleeding and blood clots in the same.
Here are some of the possible causes of this condition. These causes may be confirmed after a proper health check up. The treatment may differ with each of the causes.
• Gastroenteritis
• Gastric varices
• Gastric ulcer
• Analgesic side effects
• Argentine hemorrhagic fever
• Bolivian hemorrhagic fever
• Yellow fever infection
• Brown snake poisoning
• Cologne reaction
• Mucormycosis
• Mercury toxicity
• Variceal bleeding
• Pediatric gastroesophageal reflux disease
• Rattlesnake poisoning
• Rib tumor
• Malignant peptic ulcer
• Nitric Acid reaction
• Acute liver failure
• Back tumor
• Benign peptic ulcer
• Stomach cancer
• Alcoholic hepatitis
• Nocturnal heartburn
• Cloth dyes reaction
• Coagulation disorders
• Cyclic vomiting syndrome
• Chlorine reaction
• Drain cleaners reaction
• Dermatomyositis
• Duodenitis
• Drain pipe cleaners reaction
• Epistaxis
• Esophageal cancer
• Esophageal varices
• Esophagitis
• Esophageal rupture
• Emulsion paints reaction
• Acute gastritis
• Nose condition
• Glyphosate reaction
• Gastroesophageal reflux disease
• Gastric erosions
• Gastric carcinoma
• Radiation exposure
• Sarcoma
• Banti syndrome
• Hydrogen Chloride reaction
• Hemolytic uremic syndrome
• Hepatorenal tyrosinemia
• Acute hepatic failure
• Aspirin
• Asphalt poisoning
• Iron poisoning
• Lighter fluid reaction
• Liver disease
• Liver cirrhosis
• Spira syndrome
• Throat surgery
• Traumatic NG
• Lung bleeding
• Wilson’s disease
• Mold removal reaction
• Mallory-Weiss tear
• Machupo virus
• Portal hypertension
• Peptic ulcers
• Pancreatic cancer
• Pancreatitis
The symptoms are very easily noticeable. You may observe dark-brown colored vomit which may look light red or bright red if the blood is fresh. Very small lumps or blood clots may be clearly observed. Apart from this, the person may feel nausea and weakness after the vomiting. Abdominal pain, loss of appetite, severe depression, diarrhea, etc., may lead to weight loss. One may also observe blood clots from the nose, which may indicate towards the respiratory reasons behind the condition. If the problem is with the respiratory tract then one may observe chest pain, shortness of breath, feel lightheaded, etc. Rashes on lips and the oral cavity may also be among the significant signs. Along with blood in vomiting, dark-colored stool or blood in stool may also occur sometimes, and the reason behind this may be bleeding ulcers. All these symptoms may also depend upon the causes of throwing up blood.
Most of the conditions and causes for blood clots in vomiting can be treated. But the major concern is to take the treatment in the initial stage itself. If one vomits a small amount of blood after consuming a lot of alcohol, then it is considered to be common. But if the vomit is dark brown, black, or red in color, even otherwise, then you should consult a doctor immediately. If one has already undergone problems of ulcers, liver problems, lung cancer, etc., then one needs to be more careful, as vomiting blood clots in such conditions may be dangerous. The treatments would totally depend upon the causes, and hence, it may also vary from one to other. In severe conditions, the affected person may also be admitted to the hospital to be kept under observation.
Blood clots in vomiting are serious but they can be prevented. One can take some precautionary measures to stay away from this condition. Stop smoking and the excessive intake of alcohol, as it would help a lot. If one is already facing this problem, then one should strictly avoid alcohol. Follow a strict diet advised by the doctor and take proper care.
Disclaimer: This HealthHearty article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.