Tingling sensation could be caused due to a wide range of reasons. The following HealthHearty write-up provides information on causes of tingling sensation in the scalp.
A person may experience a tingling sensation in the scalp along with a mild headache, which can grow to become a severe and thumping pain. This tingling scalp symptom is sometimes accompanied by dizziness, spinning of the head, nausea and a feeling of uneasiness. Along with a tingling sensation, if several other symptoms are observed and studied then the exact root of the problem can be diagnosed. For the time being, let’s get straight into the details and the possible causes of a tingling scalp sensation.
Identifying the Cause
There are a number of causes that may result in your scalp tingling. These causes can be divided into two categories as common causes and uncommon causes. The common causes of a tingling scalp are actually superficial, and they fade within a relatively small period of time.
Common Causes
Factors that can lead to a tingling in scalp are allergies that are caused due to a specific brand or ingredient of shampoo, soap or any other hair care product, including hair dye. A few medical conditions that are not so casual but are common, like hyperthyroidism and anxiety can also lead to scalp tingling. People undergoing certain therapies like hormonal replacement therapy may also experience a similar sensation.
A migraine headache, tinnitus, dizziness and some other ear diseases, menopause, neck muscle tension, sinus blockage, and diabetes can also lead to a tingling scalp sensation. This sensation goes away as soon as its cause is identified and treated. For example, when a person is suffering from a migraine and tingling sensation, the symptoms are bound to go away after a short period of time. If this is not the case then the reason could be termed as uncommon.
Hair loss, hair fall, compulsive scalp picking, dandruff, dry scalp, diseases like chickenpox, sunburn, psoriasis, head lice, lack of proper hair care, insect bite neurodermatitis, etc., are some causes that can lead to an itching tingling scalp that may also feel as if it’s hot. Sweating while wearing headgear such as a helmet or a cap may also result in your scalp itching. This may be due to the sweat that has collected which is probably irritating an open sore or a bunch of follicles.
Uncommon Causes
Multiple sclerosis is a disease that affects less than a million people in the US. It is a rare disease which can lead to a tingling in scalp. Multiple sclerosis is a progressive autoimmune disease that attacks the nervous system which leads to loss of balance, paralysis, muscle weakness and a person’s inability to walk.
Along with MS (multiple sclerosis), there are several other medical conditions that can lead to the tingling sensation. These medical conditions include peripheral artery disease, peripheral nerve trauma, accidents, compression and/or peripheral neuropathy, partial seizures, etc., which can lead to a burning tingling scalp.
Treating a Tingling Scalp
Treatment for paresthesia is only possible with the proper diagnosis of the cause of the tingling sensation. As I said earlier, this sensation could also be due to some minor causes that can fade with the passing of time. However, there is as equal a chance of the root cause to be severe hence, immediate medical attention is all that is needed, so that the course of treatment can be determined to facilitate the disappearance of the condition.
A doctor is the best person to diagnose and determine the treatment of a tingling scalp sensation. If the symptom is frequent, recurrent, and without a physically significant cause, it is best to consult him immediately. Maintaining proper hair care and avoiding activities that can lead to a tingling scalp are a few measures one can try.
Disclaimer: This article is intended for information purpose only. Do not use the information presented herein as a substitute for medical practitioner’s advice.