Tongue sores treatment options vary according to its causes. There may be several reasons for sores on tongue such as allergic reactions, syphilis, bacterial infections, tuberculosis, cold, canker sores, cancer, and oral herpes. This article provides information regarding the treatment measures for some of them.
Tongue sores is a common problem faced by several people. Sores are small bumps which form on the sides of the tongue and are harmless under normal circumstances. However, if there is a bump only on one side of the tongue, it may indicate cancer, and in such a case, you need to seek medical help immediately. Many a time, these sores may be painful, which may make it difficult for you to perform normal activities like eating and talking. So, you should opt for simple home remedies like, sucking on an ice cube, so that you get some relief from painful tongue sores. Following are several other treatment options available depending on the underlying cause:
Canker Sores on Tongue
There can be several reasons for canker sores, and the most common of them are stress, eating foods which have sharp edges like chips, and nutritional deficiencies. To cure these sores, mix ½ tablespoon of salt with 8 ounces of water, and rinse your mouth with it. Do this for a few days until the sores go away. Moreover, you can also use a tablespoon of Maalox and mix it with ½ tablespoon of diphenhydramine. Alternatively, you can also use over-the-counter ointments benzocaine, which has a numbing ingredient that relieves the discomfort.
Cold Sores on Tongue
Common cold can also cause sores in the tongue, and they usually go away after sometime. However, there are some treatment measures which you can take, and the most common is to use lysine. Lysine is an amino acid needed by the body, and so, it should be consumed through food or supplements. This amino acid is necessary to produce proteins, which in turn make body tissues, hormones, enzymes, and antibodies. Moreover, it has been found that lysine prevents herpes simplex virus from spreading, and so, can be considered as one of the best oral herpes treatments. Foods rich in lysine include fish, brewer’s yeast, wheat germ, cheese, eggs, milk, red meat, etc. Other cold sore treatment options include using lemon balm, peppermint oil, reishi (a kind of mushroom), and astragalus (a type of herb).
Tongue Ulcers
Tongue ulcers can be treated with the consumption of foods rich in vitamin B or B-complex tablets. You can also apply glycerin on the sores, which helps the wounds to heal quickly. Moreover, applying butter on the affected part reduces pain and swelling. Additionally, honey mixed with leaves of peepul tree when applied on the infected part, helps alleviate this condition quickly.
Tongue Blisters
Tongue blisters are usually caused due to lack of vitamin B in the body, but there may be several other reasons. If it’s due to deficiency of vitamins, then you need to get vitamin supplements. Alternatively, you can also consume foods rich in vitamin B like bananas, potatoes, cottage cheese, yogurt, milk, eggs, etc. Another common cause of blisters on tongue is stomach disorder, and in such cases, taking care of it can cure these blisters.
Tongue Cancer
You need to be aware of the tongue cancer symptoms so that if you find any, you can get in touch with a doctor immediately. Some of the most common tongue cancer treatments include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and reconstructive surgery.
Geographic Tongue
Whenever there’s painless discolored patch, white tongue sores, or cracks appear on the tongue, it’s called geographic tongue. Usually the condition is chronic and is most evident after having specific foods, which worsen the condition. There’s no known cure of this condition, but there are options which help in suppressing it. It has been reported that sucking a mint gum or candy, or chewing mint leaves helps cure this condition.
So, depending on the cause, the treatment options vary. Whenever you find a tongue sore, make sure that you apply the aforementioned measures so as to prevent the further spread of the disease. As with all medical conditions, the doctor knows best, and so, you need to consult one when you start taking certain foods.
Disclaimer: This article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.