There are many kinds of allergies that exist in humans with varying levels of severity. Allergy due to tree pollen is one of them. In this article, we will take a look at some facts about this kind of allergy and the treatments available.
While some allergies are triggered by various food items, many are caused due the surrounding environment. Tree pollen allergy comes under this section. There are many kinds of trees on our planet. There are reported to be nearly around 50,000 species and not all of these are culprit for causing allergies. Less than a hundred trees are known to cause allergies. It is not necessary for the trees to be around you, because pollens are carried by the wind and hence can travel miles airborne.
Some interesting facts about pollens are that they are released not only from flowers (contrary to what is usually known) but many other sources like the trees, weeds, and grass. Studies reveal that the trees with brightly colored flowers are safer than the trees with no flowers.
The allergy season usually begins during the spring season. The reason is pretty obvious because this is when the trees shed their old leaves to form new ones and spring is also the season of flowers.
Hickory, Elm, Beech, Ash, Birch, Cottonwood, Walnut, Juniper, Acacia, Mesquite, Alder, Olive, Box Elder, Mulberry, Sycamore, Elm, Cypress, Oak, and Maple are some trees that produce the maximum amount of pollens.
Itching in the eyes, nose, or throat, are the most common symptoms. They are closely followed by coughing and sneezing. These are caused because of the irritation the pollens cause in our nasal passage. Sneezing and coughing is a defense mechanism of our body to force the allergens out. Skin rashes, a running or clogged nose also are symptoms of pollen allergy.
There is something known as allergic shiners which are responsible for the dark circles under the eyes when you go out, especially in areas where there are more number of trees. Increased blood flow near the sinuses is the reason why this symptom shows its presence on your face. And it is aggravated more by eye watering. Allergic salute is another term which is responsible for the crease marks on the nose.
Treatment consists mainly of preventive measures like not stepping out of the home in the early hours of the morning, keeping the windows and doors closed to prevent the pollens from entering the home. If you go out, do not forget to cover up your nose and mouth. Better to wear goggles to protect the eyes and prevent eye infections like conjunctivitis. Do keep in mind that pets and visitors can bring in pollens too. While you are drying your clothes out, pollens cling to them and find a way to enter your home so clean the clothes well after you have been out. These should provide considerable allergy relief.
It is better to have a bath after you come home especially during the allergy season. This will eliminate the chances of you carrying the pollens on your body to bed where the chances of spreading it increases. Keeping the air cool is also associated with treatment, simply because you are to avoid humidity. Allergies thrive on humidity. Apart from these preventive measures, you can also opt for immunotherapy if you are very susceptible to the allergy.
So this was relevant information about tree pollen allergy. Hope the information proves to be helpful and you stay aware and safe from the same.