Dealing with uncontrollable muscle spasms can be very annoying…, even more annoying when you have no idea as to why this is happening! This article will give you an apt understanding about what could be the possible reasons behind the same. Read on…
Muscle spasms are involuntary contractions occurring in your muscles. This condition is also known as Charley Horse, but this term is usually used when you get these spasms in your legs, which is where most of us experience it commonly! Muscle spasms are the same as muscle cramps and you can get it anywhere in the body; the legs, neck, arms, back and shoulders being the most common areas for the same.
We all have had at least one in our lifetime, or may be more. It is that uncomfortable dreadful feeling wherein your muscles suddenly become stiff and tight and cause you this unbearable pain. It feels as if there is a knot in the muscle and it becomes extremely difficult to even move the affected area when this happens. But have you ever wondered about what could be the reason behind it? The following section discusses its causes. Read on…
What Causes Uncontrollable Muscle Spasms?
Causes like intensive exercising, muscle injury, muscle compression, and stress, are the most common ones that can lead to involuntary or uncontrollable spasms. However, there are other reasons that can cause you this problem. Have you been experiencing these muscle cramps even when you are extremely relaxed? There is no injury, there is no exertion, and there is no stress; then what is causing this unnecessary problem in your body? Mentioned below are some reasons that you wouldn’t even have thought of…
Smoking Weed
Yes, if you have been getting stoned / smoking pot / getting high on marijuana, whichever way you want to put it as, you are most likely to experience uncontrollable muscle spasms. Extreme doses of the same can, at times, make your entire body quiver and give you cramps, especially in your legs. If you have not been doing this, then scroll down to have a look at the points that follow.
Having too much of Caffeine Lately?
Stress is also one of the main reasons for muscle cramps, especially in the neck. Ironically, when we are stressed out, especially due to work, we tend to consume caffeine, which according to popular belief, supposedly “helps in dealing with stress”, but it can ‘Not’ help deal with muscle spasms, but on the contrary, trigger it! Have you been consuming a lot of caffeine lately?
Have you Taken the Tetanus Vaccine?
Tetanus is a serious infection that is caused when a bacterium known as Clostridium tetani enters the human body. This usually happens when one receives an injury or a wound in the body, which leads to bleeding. This poisonous infection can actually block the nerve signals and can cause severe form of uncontrollable muscle spasms. If you have had a wound or a sore in the body and have not taken a Tetanus shot, then you need to get in touch with your healthcare specialist as soon as possible as the poison can also affect the muscles.
Nutritional Deficiencies
Deficiency of certain essential minerals like sodium, magnesium, glucose and calcium in the body can also be the reason behind your suffering. We all tend to get so busy in our daily schedule that we fail to give proper care and attention to our body’s needs. Eating a healthy and balanced diet is a must to deal with the everyday stress and demands of life. So, give your body the essential fuel so that it works without any issues and performs in a way it is expected to.
Anxiety, Excitement, or Stress
Well, one of the reasons for these unexpected muscle spasms could also be an anxiety, stress, or excitement of some sort. In fact, while researching on the possible causes, I found out that there are many women who experience muscle twitching and spasms while being intimate with their partner. The reason behind this could be the physical stress and exertion, or the psychological anxiety, nervousness, or excitement.
Other Causes
Other causes include side effects of certain medications and drugs consumed for medical conditions related to the nervous system disorder. Some of these conditions include fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel syndrome, cubital tunnel syndrome, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s, etc. Apart from these, compression of the nerves, problems related to thyroid, cholesterol, and metabolism; can also cause uncontrollable muscle cramps. Lack of physical exercise and living a sedentary lifestyle can cause the muscles to be extremely stiff and inflexible, causing spasms.
After going through the aforementioned causes, you would have understood that the reason why you are experiencing these symptoms, can be associated with a cause as minor as fatigue, to something serious as a nervous system disorder. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that you get yourself checked by a trusted healthcare specialist so that the correct cause can be diagnosed.
If you think that the reason why you are experiencing muscle spasms is because of overexertion, then this article will help you with some effective home remedies for muscle spasms. Although, keep in mind that if you try to figure it out all by yourself to save the doctor’s fees, you might end up putting yourself in all the more danger by missing out on an early diagnosis and relevant treatment. The correct diagnosis is the ultimate solution to get the right treatment for muscle spasms.