![Urinary Bladder Infection](https://www.mlb.com/img/articleImages/481907-32626-46.jpg)
Bladder infection occurs if the bacteria are able to gain entry into the urinary tract which consists of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. This HealthHearty article will discuss some of the symptoms of urinary bladder infection, also known as cystitis, that will help you spot the infection as early as possible.
Bladder infection is also known as cystitis. It has been found that it is more common in women than men. As we all know, kidneys filter out the waste from the body and drain the urine into the bladder. From the bladder, the urine passes through the urethra to be flushed out of the body. Infection occurs when the bacteria gain entry into the urethra and affect the normalcy of the urinary system. Most of the infections occur in the bladder, however, they may also travel up to the kidneys, which may cause severe damage.
Bacteria from the skin around the urethra, travel towards the bladder causing inflammation and infection. The common bacterial agents that cause bladder infection are Escherichia coli (E. coli). Women are more susceptible to it, as they have their urethral opening near the anus. The bacteria from the bowel get easy passage into the urethra from the surrounding skin. Also, the length of urethra in women is shorter when compared to men, making the traveling distance for the bacteria even shorter. Listed below are the common causal factors of exposure to these bacteria.
- Sexual intercourse
- Use of spermicide-coated condoms or diaphragm
- Use of urinary catheter
- Diabetes
- Menopause
- Kidney stones
- Pregnancy
- Use of irritants like soaps, deodorants, and sprays causing inflammation of the urethra and bladder
Some of the commonly observed symptoms that indicate infection of the bladder, include the following.
- Frequent passing of urine, more than one normally does
- Feeling of passing urine urgently, even if one passes very little or no urine at all
- Feeling pressure in the lower pelvic region
- Nocturia (urination at night)
- Dysuria (painful urination)
- Burning sensation while passing urine
- Hematuria (blood in urine)
- Cloudy urine
- Foul-smelling urine
- Low-grade fever
The symptoms in children include enuresis, that is, accidental wetting or passing of urine during the day as well as night. In some cases, the child suffers from accidental wetting only during the day or at least once a week. Symptoms in men are commonly observed due to an underlying condition such as enlarged prostate, prostatitis, and urethritis.
The treatment generally includes the use of antibiotics. The doctor may suggest medications to relieve pain or burning caused due to the infection. However, the drugs one needs to take would depend on the causal factor. The duration of consuming the medication may also vary depending upon the severity of the infection.
There are certain home remedies as well, that may help you cope with this problem. Some of the home remedies include, drinking a lot of water throughout the day. This helps in passing urine frequently, thus flushing out the causative bacteria. Cranberry juice is one of the most useful home remedies, and studies have shown that it contains infection-fighting properties that help prevent UTI. Usage of heating pads (warm) will also help minimize the excessive discomfort and pressure felt in your abdominal region due to the infection.
You can also prevent occurrence of cystitis by drinking 8 glasses of water everyday. Women should take care of their personal hygiene to prevent any infection. Both men and women should wear clean underwear made of cotton. Also, one should wash themselves up before and after intercourse.
Disclaimer: This HealthHearty article is meant for educating the reader only and should not be considered as an alternative to an expert medical advice.