Urine specific gravity is a test performed in the laboratory to check the concentration of chemical particles in urine. This article will give you information on normal as well as low and high ranges in specific gravity of urine.
Urine tests are often advised by the doctor in order to diagnose diseases. Diseases of the urinary tract, diabetes, jaundice, kidney diseases, etc., can be diagnosed with urine tests. The Urine Specific Gravity (USG) can be defined as a test carried out to measure the concentration of different particles in urine. This test also helps in the diagnosis of a number of diseases.
Overview on Specific Gravity Urine Test
We all know that the kidneys are the major organs that help in the process of excretion in human beings. Kidneys absorb water and get rid of wastes and other toxins from the body. They try to increase the concentration of the urine in order to reduce the amount of water excreted from the body. The specific gravity test helps in measuring this concentration of the urine which helps in analysis of the kidney (or renal) function. If the concentration is within the normal range, then there are no chances of any disorders or diseases. On the other hand, if the concentration is found to increase or decrease, then there are chances of the person suffering from a particular disease.
Urine Specific Gravity Range
The specific gravity of urine is expressed or measured in grams/milliliter (g/ml). The specific gravity normal range is often found to vary. However, 1.010 to 1.035 g/ml or 1.005 to 1.030 g/ml are considered as the normal ranges of this test. The following are the causes that can increase or decrease the concentration, and hence, specific gravity of urine.
Low Levels:
Any value of the specific gravity of urine less than 1.010 g/ml or 1.005 g/ml is considered as low and can be a sign or indication of the following diseases:
- Diabetes insipidus
- Diabetes mellitus
- Kidney failure
- Pyelonephritis
- Interstitial nephritis
- Excess fluid intake
High Levels
Similar to the lower value, any reading higher than the normal range is also considered as a sign of an underlying disorder.
- Dehydration
- Emesis
- Diarrhea
- Adrenal insufficiency
- Nephrosis
- Congestive cardiac failure
- Disorders of the liver
- Glycosuria
- Renal artery stenosis
- Hepatorenal syndrome
It should also be noted that if the test shows a constant number for a long time, it can be a sign of any renal or kidney diseases. The test is painless and does not involve any lengthy procedure. One just needs to give the urine sample in the laboratory for testing.
As this test is helpful in the diagnosis of a number of diseases, it is one of the most widely used tests of urinalysis. It helps us to monitor functioning of the kidneys. Therefore, it is essential to carry out this test as soon as the doctor advises to do so. Take care!
Disclaimer: This article is for informative purposes only and does not, in any way, seek to replace the advice of an expert.