The term ‘vertebrobasilar circulatory disorders’ refers to circulatory problems associated with the disruption of blood supply to the back of the brain. Scroll down to find out more on the causes, symptoms and treatment of such disorders.
The human body comprises many organ systems that work in tandem in order to facilitate vital bodily processes. The circulatory system is one such vital organ system that performs the important function of transporting and delivering essential nutrients throughout the body via blood. While the lungs help in enriching the blood with oxygen, it is the heart that pumps the oxygenated blood. This oxygen-rich blood is then carried by the blood vessels to various parts of the body.
Blood acts as a carrier of nutrients which is why circulatory problems and diseases can adversely affect the working of various organs, and give rise to serious complications. Vertebrobasilar circulatory disorders refer to circulatory problems associated with the posterior circulation of the brain. In this article, we would be looking into the causes, symptoms and treatment of these disorders.
Causes and Symptoms of Vertebrobasilar Circulatory Disorders
Vertebrobasilar circulatory problems refer to medical conditions wherein the blood flow to the vertebral arteries and the basilar artery gets disrupted. The basilar and vertebral arteries make up the vertebrobasilar circulation system. These arteries work collectively so as to supply oxygenated blood to the brain stem, cerebellum and occipital lobes that are located at the back of the brain. These structures carry out a wide range of vital functions. A lack of blood supply to this area, therefore, would have serious repercussions on the brain function.
Disruption of blood supply to the rear part of the brain can lead to the death of brain cells, which in turn, would lead to a posterior brain attack or posterior circulation ischemia. This condition is often attributed to atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a medical condition that is characterized by hardening of the arteries. This is mainly caused due to a buildup of fatty deposits on arterial walls. Accumulation of plaque leads to the narrowing of the arteries, which in turn, will obstruct the passage of blood.
At times, this circulatory problem may be caused due to formation of blood clots. The passage of blood could get obstructed if a blood clot travels from a tear in the clogged artery. People who are obese, or are suffering from hypertension or elevated cholesterol levels, are certainly at an increased risk of suffering from disorders associated with the vertebrobasilar system. Symptoms that may be exhibited by a person suffering from such circulatory problems, would vary depending on the structure of the brain that is affected.
If the brain stem doesn’t get adequate supply of blood, one may have difficulty in breathing and swallowing. One may suffer from vision problems if the occipital lobes are affected. Muscle weakness or poor coordination may be attributed to death of brain cells in the cerebellum. Vertigo, slurred speech, numbness, tingling sensation, headache, nausea or vomiting are some of the other symptoms that may be exhibited by a person suffering from such circulatory disorders.
Treatment of Vertebrobasilar Circulatory Disorders
As mentioned earlier, the disruption of blood supply to the brain, can lead to the death of brain cells, which in turn, would lead to a brain attack. Since stroke can cause respiratory distress, and a host of other complications, an early diagnosis and treatment of such circulatory problems is crucial and would determine one’s chances of survival. Blood work, especially the blood clotting studies, can help in the diagnosis of vascular diseases or other conditions that may make one susceptible to this circulatory disorder.
Doctors may also conduct imaging procedures such as the magnetic resonance imaging of the brain, echocardiogram, electrocardiogram, magnetic resonance angiography, computed tomography angiography or an ultrasound. These tests can reveal blockage in the arteries that supply blood to the brain. If there is a significant blockage, doctors may perform an angioplasty in order to remove the blockage and repair the damaged artery. Anti-coagulation drugs may also be prescribed if the diagnostic tests reveal the presence of blood clots in the brain.
Vascular diseases make one highly susceptible to stroke, people who have been diagnosed with any similar disease must therefore watch out for warning signs of a stroke. They must follow the guidelines given by the doctor in order to avert such a medical emergency. Drug therapy coupled with other lifestyle-related modifications would certainly help in lowering the risk of a brain attack in future.
One must also quit smoking and refrain from excessive consumption of alcohol. Excluding foods that are rich in cholesterol from your diet is another way to prevent atherosclerosis. Medical conditions such as diabetes or hypertension can also put one at an increased risk of developing vascular diseases. Such medical conditions must therefore be treated at the earliest.
A brain attack is the most common complication of vertebrobasilar circulatory disorders. In the absence of medical treatment, this condition can even lead to death which is why one must make the right lifestyle choices to avert such a life-threatening situation. People who have already been diagnosed with vascular diseases, must be extremely careful about their diet. They must adhere to their doctor’s advice, and ensure that they don’t indulge in any activity that may increase the risk of a stroke.