Sudden onset of fatigue is associated with a number of lifestyle aspects and diseases. The causes of sudden fatigue are attributed to overworking, lack of sleep, sleep disorders, low blood sugar, iron-deficiency anemia, and other factors.
With the kind of lifestyle we are leading today, fatigue and weakness seem to be common complaints for everyone. General weakness after a long tiring day is something that we can understand. But, what causes sudden fatigue? Is an underlying disease responsible for causing fatigue? Well, fatigue can be caused due to diseases, mental pressure, and many other reasons. The root causes of sudden and extreme fatigue are linked to physical and mental problems.
Possible Causes of Sudden Fatigue
Any type of medical condition is directly or indirectly linked to tiredness and fatigue. Most people confuse fatigue with drowsiness, and are often mistaken as the same condition. The fact is, drowsiness or an increased tendency to fall asleep is experienced with or without fatigue. Also, sudden fatigue causes may not always be serious. But, feeling tired all of a sudden may happen to healthy individuals too. Let’s look into what causes sudden fatigue and loss of stamina.
Overwork and Stress
One of the probable reasons for experiencing sudden fatigue is excessive work, in terms of performing regular exercises, studying for exams, meeting deadlines at office, handling job pressure, organizing an event, and the like. Target oriented jobs are quite stressful, so are the other jobs. They put a lot of stress, which in turn contributes to increased exertion and fatigue. Avoiding the same helps in restoring normal stamina levels and addressing sudden fatigue.
Poor Sleeping Pattern
Not getting adequate sleep is a prime factor responsible for causing sudden loss of strength. A good night’s sleep is imperative for resting the body tissues and muscles, while recharging them for the next day. Without proper sleep, one gets tired very soon. In such a case, the person experiences drowsiness and lack of concentration. Fatigue is also an indicative symptom of sleep apnea, insomnia, narcolepsy, and other sleep related disorders.
Low Blood Sugar
The foods that we consume are converted to simple glucose during digestion, which then serves as an energy fuel. Too much or too less sugar are medical concerns, related to the stamina level of body. If the body doesn’t have sufficient glucose, then its cells are deprived of energy and they can no longer function normally. Thus, fatigue and tiredness are often observed in hypoglycemic and diabetic patients.
Being Anemic
Anemia is a health problem, characterized by the presence of abnormally low red blood cells (RBCs) in the blood. This anemia caused due to iron-deficiency results in a string of symptoms, of which weakness and fatigue are commonly exhibited by patients. Over here, lack of RBCs negatively affect the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the body parts. As a consequence, the person gets tired very quickly.
Medication Side Effects
Getting exhausted very soon is not only due to diseases or ailments but also due to poor lifestyle habits. A number of medications cause fatigue symptoms in patients. Based on a patient’s health condition, prescription tranquilizers and sleep-inducing medications are recommended in specific doses. These treatment drugs cause drowsiness, and weakness, which last for some time.
Other Factors
People who are addicted to caffeine experience fatigue symptoms after this alkaloid leaves the body. Also, unexplained weakness is felt if caffeine containing beverages are eliminated totally. The same conditions are applicable to alcohol abusers. In addition to this factors, sudden fatigue can be caused due to anxiety, loss of a loved one, depression, and alike metal worries. Also, sudden and extreme fatigue causes are linked to influenza, low thyroid level (hypothyroidism), and serious ailments like liver failure, kidney disorders, and cancer.
Dealing with Sudden Fatigue
Fatigue, tiredness, lack of concentration, and intense feeling to take rest are all symptoms of some medical problems. As you have seen, the causes of sudden weakness are related to daily activities as well. The approaches for combating this condition depend on the causes of sudden fatigue. Simple lifestyle-related changes include getting sufficient sleep, managing stress, eating a healthy diet, performing exercises, and going for general medical checkups regularly to diagnose diseases (if any) in the early stages.
If sudden fatigue is related to short-term physical and mental activities, it will be relieved after refraining from those activities and taking complete rest for sometime. But, if it stems from nutrient deficiencies or psychological problems, a more serious treatment is necessary to address this problem and its accompanying symptoms.