Hernia feels like a small lump. However, when neglected and not treated in time, it can lead to the lump growing in size. …
When the walls of the abdomen suffer a rupture the result is the occurrence of hernia. Now, how does the rupture take place? Let me explain. The abdominal wall constitutes tendons and muscles. When there is a rupture, the intestines start to push through the abdominal wall. When the intestines push against the walls, the abdominal muscles are stretched and the discomfort is felt in the area due to the bulge created by the protrusion of the intestines.
Detection of Hernia
Hernia is a self-diagnostic condition.
A majority are in the position to diagnose the condition through the bulge in the groin area. A sense of heaviness in the specific area with the swelling being at peak at the end of the day. The bulge is less noticeable when you wake up in the mornings; however, the size of the bulge may increase once you indulged in the daily chores. It, predominantly, enlarges itself depending on the exertion and activities that the individual undertakes throughout the day. Besides, another way could be the cough impulse examination conducted by the concerned doctor. The patient is requested to cough. When the individual coughs, the size of the bulge increases. It is through this test that it is further detected and thereby, confirmed. Its size may thus range from being a hard to notice border-line swelling to a circular protrusion the size of a football.
The incidences of hernia have not demarcated the sexes.
This condition can affect women, men, and children.
The general notion that people ought to follow is that the condition can be neglected and the condition must be left alone to facilitate recovery. Unfortunately, self recovery is not the stream of treatment that the condition follows. It is a lump of mass that does not have the potential to dissolve all by itself. When the lump grows in size, the intestine pushes the abdominal walls all the more leading to excessive protrusion and an acute pain can also develop. The only way the sufferer can experience relief is to undergo a surgery.
Abdominal muscles have an opening which must close before birth. This does not happen in some individuals due to which the abdominal muscles remain weak. If there is any pressure that is applied on the area, the tissues can bulge out and push through the abdominal walls. To sum up if you have:
- Developed chronic cough
- Indulge in weightlifting
- Strain yourself during your bowel movements or during urination
- Severe Constipation
- Bloating and a feeling full most of the time
– may cause the bulge and the abdominal muscles to weaken all the more.
- The abdomen muscles are stretched and thus they are bound to face an increasing amount of pressure. Due to this the abdominal walls get weighed down and the bulge occurs.
- Heartburn occurs when the abdomen forces itself and its weight into the diaphragm, thereby letting the hiatus remain open partially. This is when the acids produced in the stomach affect the functioning of the esophagus. This causes an uncomfortable feeling in the chest and the individual is about to feel a tangy and an acidic taste in the mouth.
- When the individual is detected with hernia, the individual is bound to lose his appetite. The acidic taste in the mouth makes the consumption of any food very difficult.
- When the individual is inflicted with constant heartburn sensations, it is likely that the individual will also experience severe nausea. Nausea is caused due to the obstruction that has been created by the intestine. This makes the individual aversive to conducting any activity as he is constantly feeling dizzy.
- With nausea, comes vomiting. The individual may also run a mild fever.
- Due to the obstruction that is caused by the intestine and the protrusion that results in the bulge may also cause constipation. Severe constipation is also accompanied with acidity, that will kill the individual’s appetite.
- The most common symptom is the pain that is experienced. Then pain is centered around the area where the bulge has occurred. The pain will be centered around the chest if the person is enduring hiatal hernia, whereas the case would be different in inguinal hernia, where the pain is typically felt in the groin area which has the capacity to deviate into the abdomen, causing pressure on the neighboring areas. Inguinal hernia also referred to as sports hernia occurs when the groin sustains an injury during an activity which causes the groin tissues to get damaged thereby being torn. The symptoms in men are more common than in women.
Hernia can be treated only through surgery and does not depend on self healing.
If it is in the form of a small lump and is painless, you can wait for some time before you consider surgery. However, there are cases where the individuals have opted for a hernia repair as there are many practitioners who feel that a condition that can be corrected in its elementary stages should not be prolonged as it has the potency to cause strangulation. Strangulation is the condition in which the intestine gets suffocated in the hernia. The individual considering surgery has to be prepared for it. During surgery, a device called the mesh also known as the bard mesh is attached to the intestine. This equipment works towards holding the intestine in its right place. The bard mesh is thus a technique to repair the bulge permanently. With the passage of time post surgery, the tissues around the bard mesh will grow out, thereby making the hold of the mesh all the more stronger and firmer in nature. This is one of the most recent techniques that has been used during surgery. The surgery may last from 30 to 90 minutes approx.
With the bard mesh in place it is highly unlikely that there may be any complications, however, as it goes for any other surgery, a slight risk of developing complications may not be ruled out.
Besides, with advancements in the medical field, a laparoscopy may be performed. This surgery is minimally invasive as a telescope-like object is introduced through two to three small incisions made on site. Instruments required to perform the surgery are introduced through the incisions as well. The abdomen is inflated with carbon dioxide for the surgeon to view your internal organs. Spotting the weak section under the peritoneum, a mesh is then attached to it. Absorbable sutures are now used to seal the incision. These sutures don’t need to be removed by the surgeon. They dissolve as the incision heals. With this kind of surgery, post-operative hospital stay is reduced, and the discomfort is minimized, too.
Post-Surgery Effects
The prognosis period involves a hospital stay for 3 to 4 days or as the surgeon advises.
People who are overweight may have a slight ooze of blood accompanied with pus and fat. This may continue for a few days. Frequent visits to the hospital for dressing is essential. One is also asked to have a sponge bath, so that the surgery wound does not turn septic.
With recent advancements in surgical procedures, the chances of hernia recurring are very slim; however, one must practice caution. It is advisable that if you are on a heavier side, you must make a conscious effort to watch your weight, and avoid lifting heavy weights.
Disclaimer: The article published herein, is meant to accomplish pedagogical purposes only. The recommendations mentioned hereby may not be generically applicable. The information, by no means, intends to supplant the diagnosis and advice imparted by the medical practitioner.