Human growth hormone (HGH) is produced in the body by the pituitary gland, and is responsible for the overall growth and development of the body. HGH therapy has been recommended and approved for certain acquired and genetic growth disorders.
Human growth hormone (HGH) or somatropin, stimulates the growth of organs, as also helps in various metabolic and homeostatic processes of the body. This peptide hormone is produced in the pituitary gland, and consists of about 200 amino acids.
Experts say that after 30 years of age, the level of HGH in the body drops, and that the level declines by 14%, in every ten years. Hence, more the level drops, the rapid is the aging process. Hence it was postulated that if the HGH levels in the body can be increased, then some of the age-related signs could be reversed, or at least slowed down. Therefore, the use of HGH has been proposed to delay the appearance of wrinkles, loss of lean muscle, loss of bone density, reduction in libido, and weight gain. Apart from this, HGH therapy is recommended in children and individuals suffering from growth disorders.
Uses of HGH
HGH is administered in the form of injections. The different applications of such pure HGH have been explained below.
» In children, the product is used to treat disorders like stunted growth or dwarfism.
» People who have undergone treatment procedures like radiation therapy, or any kind of brain surgery, may suffer from impaired production of HGH. Such people may benefit from artificial HGH shots.
» Patient with HIV/AIDS suffer from a condition known as wasting of muscles.To reduce such damage, they may be treated with HGH. It helps the patients to grow muscle mass. Apart from this, the hormone also helps in healing wounds acquired from burns and injuries.
» Prader-Willi syndrome is a rare genetic disorder characterized by a number of problems associated with the physical, mental, and behavioral development of the individual. One of the major complications of this disease is constant hunger, and the affected individuals become highly susceptible to develop obesity. It has been reported that use of HGH in such patients stimulates growth, and boosts metabolism, which can prevent obesity. When used in kids, it has been reported to aid growth, and reduce body fat.
» Turner’s syndrome is a chromosomal disorder that occurs in females, as a consequence of partial or complete absence of the X chromosome. It is characterized by short stature, fertility problems, heart disorders, and cognitive impairments. The administration of HGH in such females is a part of the hormone therapy, which addresses the associated developmental problems. It is used in small measured shots, several times a week.
» HGH is also used to improve cardiac muscle contractions, as well as increase enthusiasm and endurance.
Some of the possible side effects of HGH therapy include inflammation of the skin of limbs, headaches, hypertension, excessive hair growth, and muscle pain. Sometimes, carpal tunnel syndrome may set in. In rare cases, individuals may also experience diabetic coma, damage to the thyroid glands, edema, and liver damage. According to experts, prolonged use of HGH may cause heart enlargement.
Disclaimer: This HealthHearty article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice.