White discharge from eyes is a condition, thoroughly ignored by a majority. However, the discharge could be a sign of bacterial infection. Read this article to understand the condition in detail.
Have you ever noticed a seepage of white discharge from the eyes? If you have, do you observe the discharge everyday? Well, if you do then this piece will tell you why you must not neglect the condition. What does it looks like? Eye discharge is the excretion of a watery or thick substance other than the natural lubrication tears that the eye produces. The constant secretion of this liquid or semi-liquid substance could be the sign of inflammatory or serious eye infections. It might also be probable that the discharge is a strong indicator of an eye disorder that may spell threat to your vision.
What Does the White Discharge Indicate?
The discharge from the eye could be green, white or pale yellow in color, and sticky, frothy, mucus-like, stretchy in texture. It could also be due to the pressure endured by the tear sac or meibomian glands. The pressure could be applied when one rubs his/her eyes vigorously. A white discharge is noticed, especially when we wake up in the morning, making it difficult to open our eyes. It is as though our eyes have been glued.
- You could rise from the bed with watery eyes and swollen eyelids. This is an indication that they have been attacked by bacteria. Extremely oily skin can also be one of the causes of oozy and mucus-filled eyes. The bacterial infection can lead to blepharitis as well. This is a type of inflammation contracted at the base of the eyelashes. Due to this condition striking your eye, the eye produces yellowish, mucus-like substance.
- An eye discharge that is sticky in texture and yellow in color, is excreted to protect the eye from bacteria or virus causing infections, the condition being referred to as pink eye. This pink eye infection attacks the membrane that protects the eyeball.
- The discharge from the eyes could also be an indication of an allergy, such as pollen allergy or dust allergy. This type of discharge is watery; not in the least thick.
- It could also be a symptom of the eye contracting an itching attack, due to the eyes’ sudden exposure to dry winds.
- The onset of conjunctivitis is marked by stretchy mucus-like emission from the eye, eye irritation, sticky eyelids or crusty when rising from bed. The discharge may also be thick accompanied with a runny nose and a sudden bout of cold. The cause of conjunctivitis could either be fungal, viral, or bacterial in nature.
- Corneal ulcers, bacterial or fungal in nature, may set in with severe pain, a grayish-white discharge accompanied with blurred vision.
- A pus-filled discharge may be a characteristic feature of Stevens Johnson syndrome, its medical nomenclature being Erythema multiforme major. This condition may also sustain troubles with the vision coupled with pain in the eye.
- A condition called Herpes zoster ophthalmicus is marked by a severe eye crust that is thick, having a bulb-like formation. The individual also endures blurred vision and excruciating pain in the eye.
- An eye discharge that is copious in nature is also a signature symptom of Orbital cellulitis. This symptom finds accompaniment with other symptoms such as headache, fever and vision distortion. Psoriasis vulgaris is an eye related ailment where the eye secretes major amounts of mucus and pus filled substances, further causing itchiness and red-rimmed eyes.
- Red eyelids, severe pain with excessively watery eyes are the early signs of trachoma.
- Where toddlers are concerned, a type of discharge that is sticky or highly tough and crusty occurs; it is important that you consult a medical expert for advice. This could be an indication of sinus or cold that the toddler might be suffering from, or is on the verge to endure.
Home Remedies
Continuous white discharge from the eye is an irritating condition to endure. You may resort to these simple yet effective home remedies to correct your eye condition
- A cool compress can do wonders and treat the eye trouble effectively. Take a wide-mouthed container and release a few ice-cubes from the ice tray. Add little water to the ice container. Dip a soft cloth into the icy water and compress the affected eye. Do this several times. Your eyes would feel fresh and the stickiness would be countered as well.
- If your eyelids have developed hard crusts, dip a soft cloth in warm water and apply the same to the area. The feeling of tightness with itchiness is dealt with and your eyes feel considerably lighter.
- Mix honey with milk, and with a cotton ball or swab, press the infected eye gently. Know, that cold milk is preferable for the compress to deliver a soothing effect.
- Fennel seeds could also serve resourceful to comfort an irritated eye. Add fennel seeds in water and allow it boil. After the water cools, filter the water and use the same to cup the infected eye.
- Raw potato makes for a good home remedy that can be used to provide relief to the infected eye. Cut one thin to medium-sized slice of a raw potato and place it on the eye. Using this remedy for three to four nights in concert would bring about a significant change in the condition of your eye.
- For problems, like conjunctivitis and pink eye, add some salt to boiling water. The solution would be piping hot; let it become warm enough so that it is fit for application. Dunk a soft cloth or a cotton ball and place it on the affected eye.
Rose water drops could be administered to the affected eye or a few drops could be poured onto the cotton ball and placed over the eye. The eye would feel comfortable and the burning sensation would decrease.
If the condition persists, it would be to your advantage to pay a visit to the Doctor’s Clinic. Make sure you don’t neglect the condition, because your eyes, indeed, are the windows that expose the world to you!
Call the Doctor When … .
- The eye discharge is increasing and the color is changing to green with a pus-like appearance.
- The area around the eye and the eye itself becomes very painful.
- The eye discharge becomes thick enough that it ceases you from having a normal vision.
Disclaimer: The article published herein, is meant to accomplish pedagogical purposes only. The recommendations mentioned hereby may not be generically applicable. The information, by no means, intends to supplant the diagnosis and advice imparted by the medical practitioner.