White and red blood cells in urine could mean damage to any organ of the urinary system. It is elaborated below:
Urine is nothing but the outcome of filtration of blood that separates excess water and other impurities from the blood. The kidneys do the job of filtering the blood in order to extract impurities out of it. In simple words, urine is the waste matter removed from the blood and excreted in the form of liquid. Analyzing the contents of urine, the doctors can determine whether the kidneys are working properly. In case, urinalysis proves the presence of unwanted substances such as red blood cells (RBCs) in the urine, it could mean that the kidneys are not healthy. It is discussed below.
Urinary Tract Infection
Urine containing WBCs and RBCs has often been attributed to urinary tract infections (UTI). UTI is the result of invasion of E.coli bacteria. Painful urination, urge to urinate every now and then, rectal or pelvic pain and change in urine color (bright pink) are some of the common symptoms of UTI. It is observed that UTI is commonly diagnosed in the urethra and the bladder. A urine culture test allows to detect the presence of bacteria in the urine.
Poor Kidney Health
Apart from RBCs, if the microscope detects high white blood cell count in urine, it is a sign of kidney diseases. If examination of urine reveals existence of red or white blood cells, it may indicate kidney infection (pyelonephritis). Inflammation of the kidneys, a condition commonly referred as glomerulonephritis is yet another condition behind the presence of red and white blood cells in urine.
Kidney Stones
A person having kidney stones that is stuck and causing bleeding somewhere in the urinary tract system, may also show white and red blood cells in his urine. Bladder stones may also show this abnormal change in the constituents of urine.
Use of certain medicines can also bring about a negative change in the constituents of urine. For instance, pain relieving medicines like aspirin and anticoagulants like warfarin that prevent clotting of blood are also considered to be one of the causes of increased white and red blood cell count.
Prostate Enlargement
WBCs and RBCs in urine can also signify prostate enlargement, a condition commonly referred to as prostatitis in which the prostate gland gets swollen. The prostate is a small gland, having the size of a walnut and found underneath the bladder. Bacterial infection is one of the most common reasons behind inflammation of the prostate that may lead to the presence of unwanted substances in the urine.
Strenuous Exercises
A high intensity workout routine, such as running is good for health but can lead to darker urine, hinting RBCs or/and WBCs in urine. Well, this change in urine color will not happen to everyone doing strenuous exercises and depends on individual health.
White and red blood cells in meager amounts in the urine is usually not a cause for concern and may not require any treatment. However, when the red or/and white blood cell count is high, it cannot be ignored and is pointing towards some sort of injury in the urinary tract system and even cancerous growth in the kidneys, or the bladder. When RBCs and WBCs are found to be present in large amounts, necessary medications will be prescribed accordingly to treat the underlying cause.