What is the purpose of ingesting diuretics, whether prescribed to you or not? We find out more in the following HealthHearty article.
Diuretics are used when one is experiencing an excess presence of water within the body; these medications flush this out by increasing the frequency of urination. Also known as water tablets, these medications are helpful when getting rid of water deposits that remain within the body, and that haven’t been filtered out. It helps combat against heart failure; due to a lot of water present in the tissues, these hamper the flow of blood successively through the body. It helps patients who have high blood pressure as well. There are three kinds of diuretics namely, potassium sparing, thiazides and loop diuretics.
Why Do Sports People Take Diuretics?
When sportsmen and women take diuretic drugs, they’re not doing it for the simple reason of getting rid of excess water collection, but to decrease weight in the body, as well as avoid fluid retention caused by anabolic steroids. They also use these as a way hiding the evidence of drugs in their system.
Anabolic steroids are medications that are used to increase one’s performance levels, for as long as 30 years. They build tissue and also alter one’s androgen levels, changing one’s behavior and physical appearance. Some of the many diuretics that are available out there are, Natrilix, Aprinox, Amilamont, Navidrex, Dytac, Lasix, Hygroton, Torem and more.
Diuretics change and transport certain ions/electrolytes in the body through one’s kidneys, where the re-absorption of these ions are messed around with. Due to this intervention of the diuretics, the body then releases more urine thus getting rid of the excess water. These diuretics are taken commonly in tablet form, where some of these are even provided through the use of injections. Their effects last for up to 24 hours; the best time to take diuretics is during the morning or in the early afternoon, so that It doesn’t disturb one’s sleep patterns if taken in the night.
The problem with taking these diuretics is that it decreases the level of potassium in one’s blood. Supplements for the same are taken to combat that very problem. Eating foods rich in potassium help keep potassium levels sustained. Anyone taking diuretics should first consult a doctor, since these can interfere with other medications too.
Side Effects of Taking Diuretics
Women experience problems like facial hair growth, aggressive natures, baldness, voice changes that start to deepen in tone and size reduction in the breasts. In men, the side effects of taking diuretics occur upon consumption―swollen nipples, prostate cancer, developing of breasts and even testicular cancer are evident. The genitals tend to shrink in size, and sperm production can stop all together. Both men and women suffer from high blood pressure, violent behavior, swollen liver problems and even acne.
Just be sure that if you ever decide to take these medications, or if others you know take them, first be certain that you’ve/they’ve had prior medical consultation. Diuretics, if not taken wisely, can trigger some serious effects on the body as you can see from the above said side effects. Have a safe tomorrow.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.