Yeast infection pills for men and women come into picture when over the counter antifungal medicines do not work to relieve the infection.
Candida albicans refers to a type of fungus (yeast) that stays in the mucus layers of the mouth, intestine and the vagina. Too much intake of antibiotics and poor nutrition are some of the most common causes of yeast overgrowth. Prescription treatment to get rid of these fungal infections involves use of yeast infection pills.
The most commonly prescribed oral antifungal medication is fluconazole (Diflucan). The dosage of this pill will vary, depending on how severe the fungal attack is. In most cases, the pill is given only once to treat the patient. However, a single dose may not be sufficient to improve symptoms of severe fungal infection. In such cases, the second dose has to be administered orally, after a time span of 72 hours. Monistat, Terazol, Lotrimin, and Mycostatin are other antifungal medicines available in both cream and tablet form.
Unfortunately, usage of yeast infection pill is not applicable to everyone. Women during pregnancy are advised to stay away from these antifungal agents. This is because, unlike topical ointments, oral dose of antifungal agents can harm the developing fetus. So, topical application of antifungal creams is recommended.
In most cases, treatment involves use of OTC antifungal creams that usually work to get rid of the infection. Oral medicine is the last resort, and is used when topical application or suppositories fail to manage the symptoms. Also, preferring this pill over other methods has its own disadvantages, as it causes some bothersome side effects. A person taking Diflucan may experience nauseating feeling, abdominal pain, and headache.
Besides taking a single dose of yeast infection pill (if necessary), one needs to follow yeast free diet, as certain foodstuffs promote growth of fungus. Sugary foods like honey, maple syrup, pastries, biscuits, and muffins have to be discarded from the diet.
To be on the safer side, before taking these pills, try some home remedies like having a cup of yogurt. This simple home remedy increases the population of good bacteria, thereby enabling you to overcome the infection naturally.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.