A fungal outbreak on the body is the most common cause for yeast infection sores. This condition is not only painful but also embarrassing for the afflicted individual. This article sheds light on the various causes and treatment of such sores in men and women.
The common places where yeast infection sores appear include the penis, vagina, mouth (thrush), diaper area, and skin. Most people suffer from this infection at least once in their lifetime, as a result of a yeast called Candida albicans that usually reside under the folds of the skin. The most dominant location for an outbreak is the vaginal area in women, while in men it usually thrives on and around the penis shaft and head. The infection usually begins with mild symptoms like a red, bumpy skin rash along with itching.
Yeast infection is more commonly seen in pregnant women, overweight women, and women suffering from diabetes, resulting in a white to yellow cottage cheese-like discharge from the vagina. Men having a weak immune system or an unhealthy lifestyle, experience sores or inflammation at the tip or head of the penis. The infection can be treated with some prescribed or over-the-counter antifungal remedies or medications. However if left untreated, the skin can become irritated and inflamed, resulting in severe blisters that can even bleed in extreme cases.
Though the infection causes sores, for some people the use or over dosage of antibiotics puts them at a risk of having these sores. Basically, the antibiotics used for the treatment not only destroy the bad bacteria but also kills some of the good bacteria that is used to keep the yeast levels in check or in control and prevent the yeast from growing. Also as said before, a person having high sugar levels can develop sores either from a first-time or reoccurring candida infection. Another common cause for yeast infection sores in the genital areas is excessive moisture and lack of oxygen content in those areas which serve as great breeding grounds for these microorganisms.
Having yeast infection sores can never be a good experience for anyone. Rather, these sores are irritating, painful, and may also bleed. To get relief from the discomfort and pain, try out the remedies given below.
- One of the best ways to get rid of sores is to cleanse the affected area and apply pure honey on it. Keep it as it is for 25 – 30 minutes and then rinse properly. For instant relief from itching and irritation, apply 4 – 5 times a day.
- Another natural remedy is to apply yogurt to the affected area. Since it contains lactobacillus, yogurt is quite effective in combating the infection. The yogurt should be plain without any sweeteners or added flavors.
- For instant relief, one can also apply a mixture prepared by combining two cloves of garlic (peeled and finely chopped) with 100 ml of olive oil on the affected area. For better and quick results, you can heat the ingredients and once it cools, apply the mixture on the affected area.
- For this useful remedy you need to prepare a solution comprising one part of apple cider and one part of water. Though after applying the solution you may feel a bit of discomfort initially, the solution is believed to be quite effective in treating the sores.
Wearing cotton inner wears and avoiding tight fitting clothing especially in summers can not only help in curing sores, but also prevent them from occurring in future. Maintaining proper hygiene and keeping yourself hydrated can also help to prevent this infection. However, if the aforementioned remedies for yeast infection sores don’t prove to be helpful and with time the condition worsens, consult a doctor to diagnose the underlying cause and prescribe necessary medications.
Disclaimer: This article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.