A yeast and mold free diet is highly effective in cleansing your system from these microorganisms. We have provided you a guide to the foods that are allowed and those that are restricted in such a diet plan. Check it out.
Foods that form potent substrates for growth of yeast and mold should not be consumed in large extent. Mold infections most often occur when you consume stale foods, baked especially with yeast. Such products being rich in carbohydrates make you susceptible to fungal and mold infection that further causes indigestion problems, urinary tract infections, bloating, stomach aches, vomiting, etc. Yeast- and mold-free diet is suggested to people who are prone to these disorders. The diet imposes strict restriction on consumption of foods that tend to get spoiled and fermented on storing. The recipes that you prepare should also be devoid of processed yeast products. Thus, you need to know the foods that are recommended to people following this diet plan.
Choosing a yeast-free diet becomes quite tricky when you are not aware of the foods that are allowed and those that are not allowed to eat. If you mistakenly eat those foods that trigger candida infections, then the consequences might be severe. You can easily make out mold growth and fungal infection on foods by observing the changes in their appearance. Eatables tend to turn black in color and they also emit a characteristic pungent smell. So let’s find out some more information regarding this, from the upcoming content.
✔ Foods Without Yeast and Mold
The basis of having a yeast- and mold-free diet is consuming them in fresh form. Never consume foods that have been stored inside a refrigerator for more than two days while on this diet. Vegetables like onions, asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, eggplant, zucchini, celery, radishes, turnips, etc. are safe. You can also have chicken, eggs, beef, turkey and ham. Make sure that you have them the same day of cooking. Your diet should also comprise fresh fruits like banana, guava, water melons, cantaloupes, avocados, oranges, lime, etc. Drink immediately after making smoothies and juices. You can prepare soups and gravies with vegetables, without adding sauce, vinegar or cheese. You can also cook simple dishes by baking or grilling animal products and vegetables.
Some other foods that are safe for consumption are cornflakes, oats, rice, pulses and bran. You can also eat grains that are free of gluten. If your doctor hasn’t recommended an extremely stringent diet, then you can have cottage cheese, sugar-free yogurt and skimmed milk in moderate amount. You can also incorporate almonds, walnuts and cashews in your diet. Have decaffeinated coffee and green tea as beverage. Last but not the least, you must drink plenty of water while being on a candida cleanse diet.
✘ Foods Containing Yeast and Mold
Growth of mold and yeast on foods depends on their manufacturing techniques. Dairy products like milk, yogurt, cheese and butter form strong substrates for yeast growth. Such products when kept without refrigeration tend to get spoiled very soon. Even canned meat, packaged, frozen, processed soups and canned vegetables (especially, potatoes, tomatoes, figs and beans) are vulnerable to mold and yeast. One of the most common food on which fungus thrives easily, is mushroom. If you have been asked to survive on a yeast-free diet then you have to restrict yourself from eating mushroom even if freshly cooked.
A yeast-free diet is devoid of bread, white flour, barley and gluten based products. This includes pizzas, burgers, hot dogs, white flour pasta, etc. Foods containing large amounts of carbohydrates and sugars should be eliminated completely. Chocolates, pies, cookies, biscuits also attract molds. Soft drinks, jaggery, honey and preserved juices when stored for a long time cause growth of mold and yeast. Even grapes, berries, peanuts, pistachios and dried fruits are excluded in your mold and yeast-free diet. Soy sauce, vinegar, pickles and olives should not be added while cooking.
The time span of this diet should be determined by your doctor. Usually, it takes a maximum period of three months to cleanse your system from yeast and mold infections. You can gradually get back to the regular diet plan, keeping into account all the guidelines given by your doctor.