For people affected by yeast infections and unrelenting weight problems, a yeast-free diet could prove to be just the right solution. Following this diet administered by proper medical personnel can go a long way in improving one’s health condition. To know more about its benefits for your body, read on.
Yeast, in the human body, has a tendency to grow in moist areas like the urinary tract, digestive tract or inside the mouth. However, a particular variety of bacteria called Candida that thrives on yeast, prohibits the yeast from growing in large proportions and thus protects our body from its ill effects. But, sometimes due to consumption of antibiotics, these protective bacteria are also killed. It might also happen due to consumption of birth control pills, or excessive fatigue and stress. This imbalance in the body triggers the unchecked growth of yeast which often leads to yeast infections like oral thrush or vaginitis. Sometimes, it can even cause life-threatening diseases. However, religiously followed diets can change it all. This means abstaining from all the food that helps the natural growth of yeast in our body and eating yeast-free food. It is sometimes also referred to as Candida-free diet.
How to Have a Yeast-free Diet
There is a lot of junk food that we eat these days and abstaining from it is the first step. Eatables generally comprise all unprocessed foods which are in their natural forms and therefore, perfectly suitable for the body. Generally, processed sugary foodstuffs and dairy products are the biggest promoters of yeast in our body. So, cheese, buttermilk, sour cream should be completely avoided. Also, food items like soft drinks, fruit juices, honey syrup or chocolate, fall under the category of sugary foods and therefore, should be abstained from. Besides these, foodstuffs like pistachios, cured bacon, soy sauce, canned tomatoes, meat that is pickled or dried, starchy food items like mushrooms and potatoes and foodstuff that has been fermented, are also to be avoided.
The diet should be generally followed for three to six weeks, depending on the severity of the symptoms. Usually, in the first two weeks, abstaining from the above-mentioned foodstuffs can cause the yeast in the body to release toxic fluids in the intestinal and urinal tract. This happens because yeast does not get the kind of food that it feeds on. This period can make you feel weak or cause irritation in the body. However, these toxins are removed by the body soon and the body starts adjusting quickly to the diet. The foods that you can consume as a part of this diet, include leafy green vegetables, eggs, different varieties of fish, meat, rice, barely, buckwheat, spelt pasta and whole grain oatmeal. Also, probiotic foodstuffs like corn syrup and yogurt sans sugar can be consumed. As soon as the body gets adapted to the new diet routine, the person starts feeling healthy again.
During the course of the diet, the doctor might also recommend Probiotics which are pills containing live bacteria that help restore the necessary bacterial level in the body. In addition to this, starting a light exercise routine consisting of a twenty to twenty five minute walk; swimming can also prove helpful. Doing these exercises in the sun is even more beneficial. Once recovered from the yeast infections, you might be tempted to stop the diet and get back to your old eating ways, but it is recommended that you stick to it for a long time to avoid the recurrence of any yeast problems. You can, however, start adding the abstained food items one at a time to this healthy diet. It is also a good idea to maintain a food diary in which you can keep a tab on what all food items you add to your diet and any ill-effects that it might bring.
Besides healing yeast infections, this diet is also good for children affected by autism. A yeast-free diet followed under the supervision of a doctor can greatly reduce the symptoms of autism and help the child to overcome the disease. Although there is no clinical evidence to prove this, there is enough anecdotal evidence to indicate that it is effective in fighting autism. The diet is also good for people in general and women in particular, who are trying to lose weight as yeast in the intestinal tract can make losing weight very difficult. You might want to read a diet book to understand the details of these diets. Although these books might recommend a lot of food that is heavy in terms of protein and fiber, it is always better to start the diet after consulting a doctor. All in all, following this diets or anything close to it, can prove to be extremely beneficial for the body in the long run.