Acid reflux disease or GERD can be treated and prevented by following a proper diet. Here are guidelines and recommendations for the same.
Acid reflux diseases or Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a condition where the acid in the stomach seeps back in the esophagus due to improper function of the stomach sphincter muscles. The terms acid reflux disease and heartburn are often used interchangeably which is incorrect. Acid reflux is the disease, and heartburn is merely its symptom.
Causes and Symptoms of Acid Reflux Disease
As mentioned above, the abnormal function of the muscles in the stomach results in acid reflux disease. However, there are certain factors that lead to or trigger off this condition. The first and the foremost being one’s diet and diet habits. Having large, hot, and spicy meals frequently and at late night, smoking, caffeine, and alcoholism causes acid reflux and in turn heartburn in people. On the other hand, immediate bending down or sleeping after meals also results in acid reflux. The symptoms include heartburn, bitter taste in mouth, chest pain, loss of appetite, difficulty in swallowing, nausea, etc. As we see that the diet is the most significant cause, one needs to make changes in the food habits.
Acid Reflux Diet Food List
As aforementioned there are certain foods that trigger off acid reflux. Naturally these foodstuffs must be avoided from the daily diet. Similarly, the rest are foodstuffs that can be safely consumed.
Foods to Avoid
- Spicy, fried and hot food
- Citrus fruits like lemon, oranges
- Coffee and soda
- Peppers, cranberry juice, onion
- Tomatoes, tomato sauce and other tomato based products
- Peppermint
- Chocolates
- Sausage, bacon, fried meat, deli meat
- Ice cream, cheese
- Alcohol
Food Safe to Consume
The following are safe foods, as they do not cause heartburn, neither aggravate its symptoms.
Fruits and Vegetables:
- Apple, bananas, and melons
- Pears and peaches
- Potato, broccoli, carrots
- Celery, cabbage, fennel
- Green peas and beans
- Bread (multi-grain or white)
- Bran, oatmeal
- Corn bread, graham crackers, pretzels
- Rice (brown or white), rice cakes
- Jelly Beans
- Red Licorice
- Baked and fat free cookies
Meat and Dairy:
- Chicken breast, egg white, fish, steak
- Fat free cheese and cream
If suffering from heartburn and acid reflux frequently, one should definitely reconsider and change their diet and dietary habits to alleviate the symptoms. Secondly, one should have smaller and frequent meals and should not rest immediately on having meals. Along with a good diet, regular exercise also helps in preventing acid reflux disease to a greater extent. However, if one experiences other symptoms along with this, it is better to consult the doctor immediately. Lastly, it is advisable to follow the acid reflux diet with doctor’s advice and recommendations. Take care!
Disclaimer: This HealthHearty article is for informative purposes only and does not, in any way, intend to replace the advice of a medical professional.