Blood is an important carrier of oxygen, mineral and nutrition to different parts of the body. But there is a long blood infections list which take you to many complicated situations. Read the article to get more information about the same.
An average adult has approximately 4.7 to 5.5 liters of blood in his body. Blood is considered to be one of the most important components in our body. It is basically involved in the transfer of glucose, proteins, hormones, mineral ions, oxygen, etc. to different parts of the body. Blood consists of red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets. Red blood cells are the oxygen carriers, white blood cells help in fighting against various diseases and platelets prevents the excess flow of blood at the time of injury and accidents. Hence any type of blood infection can be life-threatening. In this HealthHearty article, we are going to discuss various blood infections which can be very dangerous.
List of Blood Infections
Blood infections can be caused due to bacterial, fungal or viral infections, among which bacterial infections are the most common ones. These can usually be treated, but there are some infections which cannot be treated and hence are fatal. Following are some of the blood infections which are found in children as well as adults.
Yellow Fever
Yellow fever is considered to be very dangerous. It can even cause death of a person. It is transmitted through a typical mosquito, which is usually found in Africa. The most common symptoms of yellow fever are vomiting blood, dizziness, yellow skin or eyes, bleeding from the eyes, nose or mouth, convulsions and coma. This infection needs a regular blood transfusion through kidney dialysis.
Bacteremia is a type of blood infection which is caused due to bacterial attack. It is also known as blood poisoning. It can enter the body either through the wounds or through any medical surgeries or procedure. It is characterized by stomach pain, vomiting, increased heartbeat, nausea, chills, sudden fever, etc. This blood infection if not taken care of in time, may cause very serious complications. It is usually cured with the help of antibiotics.
Sepsis is one of the most common blood infection. In sepsis the patients immune system starts harming the body tissues as the reaction to the infection in blood. Sepsis has three different stages. First stage symptoms may consists of high respiratory rate, rapid heartbeat and temperature either less than 95ºF or more than 101º F. Second stage is the severe sepsis, which may show symptoms like unusual heart functions, breathing difficulties, very little urination and finally the last stage, also known as septic shock which show a drastic drop in blood pressure. This infection can be treated with the help of drugs which help in rising the blood pressure of the person.
Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) or AIDS is caused due the viral attack. This virus attacks the immune system of the body and kills the WBCs which results in the low immune power. Till date there is no cure for this disease, hence it can only be prevented. There are few medications which may help to suppress the effects of this virus but they can help only for a few years. Swollen glands, diarrhea, sores in the mouth, muscle pains, sore throat, headaches and fatigue are some of the most common symptoms of this blood infection.
These were some of the blood infection types which may be very dangerous if neglected. People who have low immune power are more susceptible to get blood infections. Hence, try to prevent your self from getting these life-threatening conditions. Have a healthy diet and if you observe any symptoms of the above mentioned blood infections then consult a doctor immediately.