Boric acid suppositories are used for medicinal purposes for the treatment of yeast infections. To know more about how to prepare them, read on.
Boric acid suppositories are useful for someone who can take medicines orally for a variety of reasons, which may include nausea and acidity etc. Boric acid is a white powder which is stable at room temperature. It has medicinal properties, such as an antiseptic, and is especially effective against bacteria, virus and fungal infections like candidiasis or yeast infections. It is also used in treating athlete’s foot and ear infections. In the event of a weak immune system, yeast may successfully breach the defenses and start growing in our body. Moist and warm environment such as areas under the armpits, the back of the knees and genitals such as vagina and penis are favorable for the growth of yeast.
How to Make
Boric acid suppositories are used, especially in the treatment of infections. They are commonly used home remedies for yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis. Vaginal yeast infection, also called vaginal candidiasis, is characterized by thick, white discharge. Symptoms of yeast infection also include burning sensation and extreme itching and redness. These suppositories are small, solid and cylindrical in shape and are designed to be inserted into the rectum or vagina. The following set of instructions explains how to make them:
- You will need boric powder and gelatin capsules in ’00’ size or that can hold 500 mg to 1,000 mg of boric powder.
- You can obtain capsules from any pharmacy store.
- Take some amount of boric powder in a clean container. If it is made up of metal, it will be a good idea to sterilize it by heating.
- Clean your hands using an antiseptic available or you can use sterilized plastic gloves bought from the pharmacy. The sterilization is necessary, since these suppositories are meant to be inserted inside the body.
- The gelatin capsules are made up of two halves: male, which is the longest half, and the female part.
- Open one of the capsules. Fill its longest half with boric powder. Top the male part with the female part and close the capsule.
- Using the above instructions, make as many capsules as required.
- Soap the hands carefully, to get rid of the boric powder, as it is a mild irritant.
Suppositories for Bacterial Vaginosis and Vaginal Candidiasis
The fluids present in the vagina are acidic (pH levels of less than 4.5) in nature, which is not a favorable environment for bacteria. The imbalance of the pH levels of the fluids, due to any reason, invites bacterial proliferation and subsequent infection, which is also called Bacterial Vaginosis, or simply ‘BV’. To get rid of this infection, it is necessary to restore the pH levels of the fluids to the acidic level (less than 4.5).
For this purpose, suppositories made with boric acid are helpful. When mixed with these fluids, it creates an acidic environment and gets rid of the bacteria. It restores the pH levels to less than 4.5 and clears the yeast infections, too. These suppositories should be used for 14 days at bedtime or one suppository in the morning and evening for 10 days. A relapse of infection should be treated for 1-2 weeks. If you are doubtful about the use of these suppositories, consult your doctor before using them.
According to a study, it is found that the use of 150 mg of boric acid in suppository form was found to be effective in the treatment of vaginal yeast infection in the patients suffering from diabetes. Side effects such as, vaginal irritation and burning are known to affect some of the patients. In such a case, consulting a doctor may prove to be beneficial. A word of caution; ingesting it is harmful and care must be taken to store these in a place, where they will be safely out of reach of children and pets.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.