The symptoms of a broken pinky toe are similar to those of a stubbed toe. It therefore helps to know how to read its symptoms to be able to make a proper diagnosis and carry forth an effective treatment thereof.
A broken little toe is sometimes difficult to detect and can be easily confused with a stubbed toe, given that both these conditions share common symptoms. In both these conditions, the intensity of the pain experienced is similar and so is the fact that the area surrounding the toe turns black and blue. Since we do not use the pinky as actively as we use our other toes, it can take a little time before we are able to diagnose the condition as a fracture. That is why, having a thorough knowledge of the symptoms and treatment is necessary.
There will be tremendous and severe pain that will be experienced when you have a broken pinky. It might be a dull pain that is constantly being felt or a more pressing pain – depending on the kind of fracture that it is, and the degree of how grave it is. This might not limit one’s ability to walk, however. Here’s one way to check if you have a broken pinky- If you touch the toe, you will experience a sudden jolt of extreme pain which does not usually happen when you have stubbed your toe. Or even wiggling the toe will cause unbearable pain.
There will be severe swelling of the toe region and the entire area will become red and stiff. You might even experience a numbness in the toes. The area will swell to about twice its normal size.
There is a possibility that the toe will turn black and blue due to the inability of the blood to clot. Or it might turn a dark shade of red.
Deformed Toe
By looking at the toe sometimes, it is impossible to know that it is a broken little toe. But at other times, there is a deformed toe that looks unnatural and therefore it is a clear indication of a broken pinky toe. Run your finger around the area and see if you feel any lumps and bumps. If you do, that is a clear sign of a broken little toe.
If you have a broken pinky, you will develop a fever within 3 hours. This is the body’s natural way of fighting the unnatural assault.
Other Effects
There are some other conditions that might develop because of the broken pinky – like nail injuries, compound fractures and arthritis.
A broken pinky toe healing time can range from anywhere between three weeks to eight weeks. The severe pain that is experienced at the time the toe was first broken, will slowly ebb away as the weeks pass. The healing process of the pinky toe is not very complicated. Let us see what the broken pinky remedy involves.
It is usually better to see a doctor if you suspect a broken toe to eliminate any future complications. If the doctor realizes that it is a minor fracture, he might ask you to take certain broken toe treatment methods at home. These are some of the following.
Put some ice in a towel or a bag and apply it to the wound. Make sure that you keep a protective layer between the skin and the ice pack. Do this for 15-20 minutes at a time, every 1½ to 2 hours for maximum relief.
The pain might hamper a lot of your daily activities. In order to deal with this, you can use painkillers so that the pain will be numbed and the condition will be easier to deal with.
Rest as much as possible and do not put pressure on the toe. Avoid any strenuous activity. There might be a need to wear special shoes or take the help of crutches to best protect your toe.
As far as possible, keep the toe inclined above the level of the heart with the help of pillows.
Buddy Splinting
In this, the toe is isolated and taped up to the toe by its side. This is done with the help of a bandage to help speed the recovery. A cast might also be added on.
Other Methods
Other methods include the use of fracture shoes, crutches, and single and double toe straighteners.
A broken pinky is usually not as serious a condition as a broken big toe, because the weight of the body is more likely to be supported by the big toe rather than the pinky. But that does not mean that it does not hurt as much. Taking good care of the broken pinky toe will ensure that it heals better and faster. So make sure that you take a lot of rest for a speedy recovery.