Did the calcium overdose surprise you too? Know more about it and also the calcium overdose side effects in the following article. Since calcium is consumed by almost everyone, it’s important that everyone know about the overdose of this nutrient, how it’s caused and what we can do about it.
Calcium is a nutrient we have heard about since school. School going kids can also tell us how calcium is important to survive and how it gives us healthy and strong bones. However, no one talks about a calcium overdose and its side effects, which are quite grave. It is said that too much of anything isn’t good and it’s the same for nutrients too. Calcium helps us in many ways than one, but we can’t take more than what our body allows us. Before we proceed to the calcium overdose side effects, let’s read a bit more about this nutrient itself and how one can overdose on it.
When there is excess calcium found in the blood, the condition is referred to as Hypercalcemia. Sometimes, this overdose is the result of excess consumption of calcium supplements, as food items solely are said to safe. Sometimes, an overdose of vitamin D might also lead to this condition, as due to this, more calcium is absorbed in the body. Now that we know how one can overdose on this nutrient, let’s check out the side effects it has.
Side Effects of a Calcium Overdose
Every nutrient has a ‘Tolerable Upper Intake Level’ (TUIL). This level determines the overdose of a nutrient. For some nutrients, this TUIL would differ between men and women. However, for calcium it’s 2.5 grams daily, for both men and women. Anything more than this dose, will lead to toxicity and eventually, a high overdose. Women suffering from osteoporosis should compulsorily consult the doctor regarding their dosage. In some cases, the term TUIL has been replaced with Dietary Reference Intake (DRI).
Kidney Stones
Calcium in excess is said to cause kidney stones, in both men and women. The excess calcium present in the body is deposited in the kidney. It gets deposited in the form of stones called calculi. These can also get deposited in the bladder and on the teeth. On the teeth, they are set down as tartar.
Neuromuscular Dysfunction
For normal and proper neuromuscular functioning, it is very important to have a normal and proper extracellular calcium concentration. If you are suffering from calcium overdose, you are bound to have a neurologic dysfunction. This is a very grave issue as it can show simple symptoms such as lack of concentration but it can gradually lead to depression and eventually, in coma too. Another related symptom here is muscle weakness. In some cases, these conditions can be reversed after reducing the dosage. In others, there is no guaranteed treatment.
Nausea is not a guaranteed symptom of hypercalcemia. It is caused only if you take calcium supplements without eating a meal prior to the dosage. If you eat little, you will suffer from little nausea. However, if your dosage is high and if you don’t eat anything before it, you will suffer from high levels of nausea which, in turn, will result in vomiting. You have to eat in proportion to your dosage. Consult your doctor regarding your meals too.
Excess and/or abnormal passing of urine is known as polyuria. If a patient is suffering from calcium overdose, his kidneys fail to concentrate urine to a capacity considered normal. In later stages, the kidneys might become completely incapable. Due to this, the patient will pass more urine than he normally does, causing thirst. Again, hydration is an important aspect while treating calcium overdose. More the water you drink, more you will urinate. This will lead to even more amount of urine passing.
Some other symptoms include diarrhea, constipation and fluctuations in heart rate. These calcium overdose side effects are very important as we seldom know about them. Most people have never heard about the term until they actually are a victim of it. As we have seen, some side effects are really very dangerous. The only way to deal with this problem is by keeping a watch over your calcium supplements and also on your Vitamin D. If you observe any of the above-mentioned problems, talk to your doctor immediately. Last but not the least, remember that precaution is always better than cure.