One of the treatment options for the condition of gallbladder stones is a surgical procedure called cholecystectomy. And this article tells you about how much does this treatment procedure cost.
On the right side of the abdomen, beneath the liver, sits an organ known as the gallbladder. The main function of this small, pear-shaped organ, is storing a liquid called bile. This liquid is produced by the liver, and is necessary for the digestion of fat that is obtained from the food we eat. Due to certain reasons, which doctors are still not sure of, hardened deposits can form in the gallbladder known as gallbladder stones. Usually these stones do not cause any symptoms. However, it may happen that a stone gets lodged in a bile duct, and this may cause blockage thus, giving rise to various signs and symptoms. The main symptom is a pain in the upper right portion or center of the abdomen. This pain, usually, occurs suddenly and worsens rapidly. The pain may radiate to the back, and the right shoulder. For people who do not show any signs or symptoms, do not require any surgery. But for those, who experience otherwise, a surgery is recommended to remove the gallbladder, as the stones tend to recur. This surgery is known as cholecystectomy.
Cost of A Cholecystectomy
The cost of the procedure depends on various factors; the first being the type. It can be performed in two ways. One type is the traditional open cholecystectomy. Here, the surgeon makes a large incision (5-7 inch) in the belly, in order to remove the diseased gallbladder. Given the nature of this surgery, a hospital stay of at least 2-3 days is required, and several weeks for recovery.
Another type is less invasive and is known as laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Nowadays, this method is the first choice of surgical treatment for most cases. Here, the doctor makes several small incisions in the belly, and inserts a lighted viewing instrument (laparoscope), to have a clear view of the abdomen, and the bladder to be removed. Surgical instruments are also inserted through the other incisions to perform the operation. This procedure allows most patients to be discharged the same or the following day post its completion. Also, this method is less painful, and patients can return to their normal work within a week.
So, considering the nature of both these surgical procedures, factors such as hospital stay, days of work lost, and material used for the procedures, are taken into account while determining the cost. If we talk about hospital stay, and days of work lost, then laparoscopic cholecystectomy should be significantly lower than the open one. However, the surgical tools that are used in the former procedure cost higher than that of the latter. So generally, the cost of the laparoscopic method is about 23% cheaper than that of an open surgical procedure.
As mentioned, laparoscopic cholecystectomy is now the first choice for dealing with problems such as gallstones, unless the condition of the patient seems more suitable to be treated with the open cholecystectomy. The below presents a list of prices of laparoscope cholecystectomy in different parts of the United States. Note that the figures may vary from the actual quotation that you may receive when you visit the treatment center.
Place | Price (approx.) |
Atlanta, Georgia | $9,700 |
Chicago, Illinois | $9,400 |
Dallas, Texas | $9,500 |
Houston, Texas | $9,700 |
Los Angeles, California | $13,100 |
Miami, Florida | $9,400 |
New York | $10,400 |
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania | $10,000 |
Phoenix, Arizona | $9,400 |
Washington DC | $10,200 |
Risks associated with cholecystectomy may include
- Bile leak
- Bleeding
- Infection
- Problems of the heart
- Formation of blood clots
- Injury to structures neighboring the diseased gallbladder
- Pancreatitis
All these cholecystectomy complications may be intimidating for most people. However, the fact is this method is considered a safe surgical procedure, and it carries minimal risks of causing all such complications.