If you have been experiencing tiredness all day long, so much so that you are not able to concentrate on your routine work, chances are that you may be suffering from fatigue. The following article provides information on some of the most common causes of extreme fatigue along with some tips to overcome it.
There are some days when you feel very tired after a hectic day at home or at your workplace. This kind of fatigue is normal, where you get recharged once you relax and take rest. However, some people feel extremely tired even waking up after long hours of sleep or even after walking for some minutes. Such kind of tiredness which seems to have no apparent reason is known as extreme fatigue. It is characterized by low energy levels, weakness, inattentiveness and inability to focus and complete tasks.
Excessive tiredness is not triggered by just one cause. There can be many reasons for a person to be affected by loss of strength or low energy levels. Let us look at some of the extreme fatigue causes.
Extreme fatigue may be a symptom of certain diseases and hence, when anyone experiences tiredness, it would be beneficial to consult the doctor to conduct a thorough medical check up to look for the root cause.
- Anemia
- Diabetes
- Hypothyroidism
- Heart ailments
- Lung Problems
- Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Cancer
Other diseases that may cause tiredness include infectious mononucleosis, kidney disease, hepatitis, flu, malaria, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, (COPD), fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, HIV, etc.
Psychological problems could also be a contributory factor. People who are going through an emotionally turbulent phase are likely to feel tired most of the time. This may also impact their overall health. Studies have revealed that people who are depressed may suffer from chronic fatigue. Here are some of the conditions that may cause loss of strength or weariness.
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Anorexia
- Bulimia
- Grief
- Stress
People who consume medications as a part of the treatment for any chronic illness are also at a risk of suffering from extreme tiredness. Studies show that drug abuse or prolonged use of certain drugs may cause tiredness and low energy levels. These drugs are:
- Steroids
- Antidepressants
- Antianxiety medication
- Sedatives
- Anti-hypertensive drugs
An unhealthy lifestyle is also one of the main contributory factors. In today’s age, when people are leading fast and busy lives, they have no time to sleep properly or do exercise. Moreover, most people don’t follow a healthy diet. Lack of essential nutrients and vitamins in the body harms it in many ways. Fast food and caffeinated drinks may be very harmful for long run. Added to that, smoking, substance abuse or excessive consumption of alcohol may also make a person feel tired and weak. When people feel tired most of the time, they do not have the energy to go on with their routine activities.
Studies have found that job related stress has become one of the key causes. With the increase in competition and work pressure, people stay for longer hours at the office to complete their work. This can cause too much stress. Excessive workload, frequent changes, lack of job satisfaction, problems with colleagues and superiors, tension of losing one’s job, poor workplace practices, etc. causes stress which in turn may affect the physical as well as mental health in an adverse manner. Shift timings may also affect a person’s overall health. As our body is programmed to sleep at night and work in the day time, people working in night shifts experience fatigue and other health problems more frequently.
Sleep apnea is considered one of the major reason behind improper sleep. Due to the narrowing of the wind pipe, the person is not able to breathe properly and snoring may also be observed. This decreases the levels of oxygen in the body which causes various complications. Difficulty in breathing will result in incomplete sleep which will in turn cause fatigue. Insomnia, change in work shifts, reflux esophagitis, are some of the other reasons behind sleep problems which may also result in tiredness and stress.
It is always better to consult a doctor before going for any treatment. Once you known what is the cause behind fatigue your doctor will prescribe medications accordingly. Following are some of the tips which will help you reduce the effect of tiredness.
- Get good sleep as it is very necessary for our body. An adult should get at least 7 hours of sleep daily.
- Avoid excess consumption of alcohol and caffeine.
- Stop smoking.
- Proper exercises and healthy diet will not only relieve you from fatigue but will also help you to improve your overall health.
- Stress management with the help of relaxations techniques like yoga will be a great idea.
It is necessary for people who are experiencing tiredness for a long period of time to seek medical help. It is essential to identify the underlying cause. The treatment may involve drug therapy coupled with lifestyle modifications. If the cause is psychological or due to stress, patients may have to attend counseling sessions with an experienced therapist. Acupuncture, aroma therapy, relaxation techniques, yoga and meditation may also be of help. It is necessary to inculcate some changes in the lifestyle, before extreme fatigue takes a toll on the body and leads to other serious problems.