Deviated septum may cause problems like sinusitis, nosebleed, sleep apnea, etc. A deviated septum surgery is often recommended to resolve these problems.
Septum comprises two bones and a quadrangular cartilage in the front. Septum divides the nose into two equal nostrils. In some people the septum is deviated, meaning, it does not divide the nostrils in two equal parts. This condition may be present at birth or it may develop later, due to physical trauma or infection. Due to this condition, the person may experience troubled breathing, dry throat, sleep apnea and similar other problems. A deviated septum surgery or septoplasty can help to correct this condition.
Deviated Septum Surgery
People who suffer from the above conditions are the candidates for this surgery. If you have a deviated septum but do not experience any of the above symptoms, then you may not be required to undergo this surgery. However, some people may still go for it, for cosmetic reasons. The nasal bone that is corrected in this surgery is located deep inside, hence the deformation may not be visible on the exterior.
But since, a septoplasty is often accompanied with a rhinoplasty, people may be willing to go for this surgery for improved physical appearance. Deviated septum surgery is medium complicated with a surgery time of about 60 to 90 minutes. A small incision is made inside the nose to pull back the mucosa lining from the cartilage and bone. Any abnormal growth of bone or bone spurs are removed during the surgery. The bone is repositioned so that it is not inclined to right or left. Splints are used to support the repaired cartilage.
Recovery Time
As mentioned above, septoplasty is a medium complicated surgery. As a result, there is considerable recovery time. The average recovery time is dependent upon the complexity of surgery. In a standard septoplasty, you can resume work after 5 to 7 days of rest. The recovery time will increase substantially if you also had a rhinoplasty surgery done. During this period, care must be taken that the bone is healing properly and that there is no infection to the bone. After surgery a gauze will be placed inside your nose, to collect blood. It is important to change it frequently, to prevent any incidences of infection.
Just like any other plastic surgery procedure, the deviated septum surgery cost is also dependent upon several external factors. The location of the clinic and the expertise of the surgeon are two most important factors that will determine the cost. Besides, the facilities offered by the clinic also contribute to the cost of this surgery.
However, the exact cost of the surgery will be determined by your individual case and the complexities involved. A basic septoplasty surgery costs about $2000. If you wish to go for other cosmetic surgery like rhinoplasty, then expect to pay even more. Sometimes, some other medical conditions may have to be treated prior to surgery. In that case, your septoplasty cost will go even higher.
Cost of a deviated septum surgery is covered by almost every medical insurance company, since it is directly associated with breathing problems. However, the accompanying cosmetic procedures are not covered by an insurance. So, in case you are planning to go for a rhinoplasty under the name of septoplasty, be assured that you won’t get any takers because insurance companies are very careful about what they cover.
The results of septoplasty are almost instantaneous. You will experience easy breathing and a reduction in throat dryness and sinusitis problems.