The symptoms of enlarged prostate are associated with the urinary system of the person who has the condition. Let us know what these symptoms are from this article.
The prostate gland is responsible for producing a fluid known as semen. This very fluid serves the purpose of neutralizing the acidity of the vaginal tract, which otherwise, would cause the sperm to destruct before it reaches the egg for fertilization. In other words, the prostate gland is required to increase the chances of impregnation. Without it the lifespan of the sperm that has been ejaculated into the vaginal tract, would be threatened, and the chances of fertilization would be reduced. The prostate gland also keeps urine from leaking during ejaculation. This it does by closing the urethra during sexual intercourse.
The prostate gland lies beneath the bladder, and it surrounds the urethra (urethra is the tube through which urine passes). During infancy this gland is of the size of a pea. As childhood approaches, it starts growing with a gradual pace. When puberty strikes, the growth intensifies and at the age of 25, the gland achieves its fully developed form. For most men, the prostate gland may keep growing to such an extent that it may exert pressure on the bladder and the urethra. And this interferes with normal urine flow, giving rise to several unpleasant symptoms. This condition is known as prostate enlargement or clinically, benign (noncancerous) prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).
What Indicates Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia?
# As the enlarged prostate gland presses on the urethra, it can partially block the flow of urine. And this causes the first symptom of BPH which is difficulty in starting to urinate. Usually the person has to strain to urinate properly.
# The enlarged prostate makes the urine stream weak and causes it to start and stop frequently. Urine may dribble even after the person has urinated.
# The prostate gland may continue to grow further making the urethra narrower. To counteract this problem, the bladder may overwork (over contract) to push the urine through the urethra and out of the body. Too much contraction may make the bladder more sensitive, and it may signal the brain that it is full even with small amounts of urine in it. And this leads to frequent urination – another characteristic symptom of BPH. This symptom is accompanied by a sudden urge to urinate, especially at night (nocturia).
# In some people with BPH, the urethra may become so narrow that the bladder does not empty completely, and some amount of urine remains in it. This gives rise to a feeling of incomplete evacuation.
# Severe symptoms of enlarged prostate may include incontinence, and inability to urinate.
# Untreated BPH may lead to urinary tract infections, bladder stones, and in rare cases, kidney damage. Because of these complications, the affected person may experience other symptoms apart from the ones mentioned above.
Most people might suppose that prostate enlargement might be linked to the severity of its symptoms. Studies have revealed that some men with very large enlarged prostates were found to have minimal urinary symptoms. While some who were diagnosed with a mild enlargement, had the worst of such symptoms. Also, it has been noticed that about half the men with this medical condition, had symptoms which were bothersome enough to make them seek medical attention. While, there are men, whose symptoms showed gradual declination and did improve with time.
Treatment options for BPH are many. But the best treatment is decided after determining the severity of the symptoms, the size of the enlargement and age of the patient. People with no bothersome symptoms usually do not require any medical treatment. They are recommended to implement some changes in their lifestyle and see if their symptoms worsen. The first line of treatment for BPH is administering medicines. And if medicines fail to respond, then surgery is opted for managing the condition.
Disclaimer: This article is provided as an information resource only, and should not be used to replace professional medical advice.