Biotin is an important vitamin which reduces hair fall and has many other health benefits too. But many people wonder if it really works. Let us find more about this vitamin in the following write-up.
Vitamins are helpful for the proper growth and development of the body. There are many types of vitamins which are present in different quantities in our body and have different functions to perform. Out of these important vitamins, biotin is one of the most important. It is also known as vitamin H and is actually nothing but a water soluble form of vitamin B. There are many natural sources of biotin which are effective in managing many activities going inside the body. People who suffer from biotin deficiency can also take biotin supplements.
Benefits of Biotin
Biotin, whether taken naturally or through biotin supplements, is quite helpful and beneficial. Following are some of the biotin benefits which will help you to understand the work and the requirement of biotin in our body.
- Biotin is considered very helpful in preventing hair loss and boosting hair growth. It is a very important hair vitamin.
- It improves metabolism and can also be given to infants for the treatment of infantile seborrhea.
- Biotin also helps in controlling the blood sugar level in many people.
- It can also be effective in weight loss, as it increases the rate of metabolism in the body and reduces excess fat.
- Biotin also helps in curing many nail related problems like splitting nails, etc.
- Genetic problems can also be solved to some extent with the help of this vitamin.
Does Biotin Really Work
Researches have revealed that biotin vitamins are really helpful for the people who have a deficiency but for the people who have a considerable amount of biotin in their body, an intake of its supplement is not required. There are many conditions which can affect the body due to biotin deficiency. Raw egg whites, kidney dialysis, I.V. feedings or total parenteral nutrition or TPN, etc. are some of the factors which may cause biotin deficiency. The following points will put some light on the facts about the working of biotin.
Hair Growth
There are many products in the market which show positive results on adding biotin. Recommendation of biotin for hair growth is done by almost all the hair experts. It provides elasticity and reduces hair loss. Biotin also works for facial hair, it is believed to stimulate the rate of hair growth. But researches are yet to prove this fact.
Studies have shown that biotin supplements help in improving the health of diabetic patients. This may be because of the ability of biotin to lower the cholesterol or may be the people suffering from higher cholesterol become biotin deficient and hence its supplements show positive results.
Other Health Benefits
It is claimed that biotin has many other health benefits too, like boosting metabolism, solving genetic problems. etc.
Too much biotin can be dangerous for health. Acne, dermatitis, psoriasis, seborrhea, eczema, hair loss, dandruff are some of the results of excess biotin. Maintain a healthy diet and try to have biotin naturally instead of taking supplements.