Facial liposuction is a surgical procedure done to remove unnecessary fat deposition from the facial area. The following article provides information about the technique and recovery period of this surgery.
Most of us strive for maintaining the freshness and the beauty of our face. That is why we see so many beauty salons mushrooming all around us, which offer facials, face massages, and other such services to make us look younger. However, there is hardly anything, that these salons can do to get rid of the fat on the face. It makes a person look much older than he/she actually is. Although regular exercises and a controlled diet can be quite useful to get rid of the excess body fat, these techniques are quite ineffective as far as the fat on the face is concerned. This is where liposuction comes in. Facial liposuction refers to the surgery that is performed to remove the excess subcutaneous fat from the chin, neck, jaw, and the cheeks.
To perform liposuction, doctors use a technique known as the tumescent technique. In this technique, the doctors use a microcannula and inject fluid in the area from where fat has to be removed, and keep it for 30 minutes to percolate through all the layers. Then the fat is sucked out, through the microcannula. Care is taken while performing this procedure either on or below the jawline, to minimize the chances of the patient getting sagging skin around the neck, chin, or jaw. This technique is considered to be the best, when compared to the other kinds of surgical techniques, as it minimizes the risk of scarring and bruising to a great extent. The cost varies from hospital to hospital and also from one place to another. Cost also depends upon how much and from which area the fat has to be removed.
Recovery Period
There can be a significant change in one’s appearance after this procedure, as the excess fat is completely removed. However, it may take close to six months for the patient to completely feel the difference.
The results of this procedure, are more or less permanent. This is because, once we attain a certain age, new fat cells are not created so easily. Since it removes all the fat cells permanently, so even if the person gains weight after the surgery, only the preexisting fat cells will expand, and no new ones will be created. Hence, the fat will not spread to the other areas on the face, even if the patient gains weight post surgery.
After the surgery, the patient may experience certain amount of bruising and swelling, which might take up to ten days to completely disappear. However, the patient can resume his routine activities within a week after the surgery. Taking pain relievers and applying cold packs, may help in minimizing the pain that is caused by the surgery.
The surgery may help people get a defined face and jawline. However, before going in for this procedure, there are a few things that a person should consider. Firstly, the results of this procedure vary from person to person, so one should have realistic expectations from the surgery. Secondly, the healing might take some time after the surgery, so one should be mentally prepared to deal with the bruising, swelling, and the pain. Only when a person is prepared to handle these things, that he or she should think about undergoing a facial liposuction surgery.