The occurrence of frequent urination and constipation could be associated to multiple diseases occurring at the same time, or they might also be the result of a single medical condition. The below article elaborates more on this point.
So as cited above, frequent urination and constipation in some people may indicate more than one disease. But in some, only one problem may show up. Frequent urination, as the name suggests, refers to a frequent urge to visit the bathroom, more than what’s normal for the person. While constipation refers to irregular or infrequent bowel movements (generally, passing less than three stools a week). So what may cause frequent urination, may not be associated with the causal factor of constipation. But it may also happen that, both these problems are the symptoms of one underlying condition in the body. More on this has been detailed in the following…
What I am going to present to you in the following segment is about the factors which cause frequent urination, and also about those which are related to constipation. Thereafter, we would go through some more conditions which can cause both these problems at the same time.
Frequent Urination
The need to go to the bathroom, usually more than 8 times a day, or more than what is normal for the person, is as mentioned, known as frequent urination. Such signs may normally mean that the person is drinking too much water, or excessive use of diuretics. But in most cases, it signals health conditions such as:
- Diabetes (type 1 and type 2)
- Urinary tract infection
- Bladder stones
- Infection of the kidneys
- An overactive bladder
- Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), also known as prostate gland enlargement
- Interstitial cystitis
- Urinary incontinence
As most of us are aware, constipation makes it difficult to pass stools. In this condition, the stools move too slowly through the digestive tract thus, they become hard and dry. Various factors which directly or indirectly contribute to this digestive problem may include:
- Dehydration (lack of fluid)
- Lack of fiber in the diet
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Frequent use of laxatives
- Diseases of the thyroid gland
- Certain medications
- Hemorrhoids
- Stress
- Delaying bowel urge until later
- Intestinal obstruction
- Eating disorders
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Colon cancer
Factors Which May Cause Both the Conditions, and their Respective Treatment
Uterine fibroids – noncancerous growths of the uterus. The treatment for this condition includes medications, removal of uterus, or removal of the fibroids. One technique makes use of ultrasound surgery, that treat the fibroids without affecting the uterus.
Pregnancy – during this crucial period, extra fluid gets processed through the kidneys because of increased blood flow in the body thus, frequent urination. And pregnancy also elevates the progesterone levels in the body. This slows down the movement of food through the intestines thus, causing constipation. Eating fiber rich foods is recommended to deal with constipation. Alcohol, tomato-based products, spicy foods, carbonated drinks, and artificial sweeteners tend to irritate the bladder and worsen frequent urination. So such foods must be avoided.
Hypercalcemia – characterized by the level of calcium in the body being above than what is considered as normal. And among other signs and symptoms, increased urination and constipation could also occur. The treatment for hypercalcemia aims at bringing down the calcium to safe level. For this, medication such as diuretics to help flush excess calcium, drugs for preventing bone breakdown, and corticosteroids may be used. Dialysis may also be required to get rid of excess waste and calcium from the blood.
Diabetes – affects the regulation of blood glucose in the body, causing it to elevate to dangerous levels. And this increase in the blood sugar triggers frequent urination which is accompanied by constipation. Diabetes is incurable but taking recommended medications, and following a dedicated diet would help in easing the symptoms.
Neurological diseases – some of these diseases may inflict damage to the nerves that supply the bladder and those that lead to and from the intestine thus, causing constipation coupled with frequent urge to urinate. The treatment may vary with the specific neurological disease or disorder. Some of these disease cannot be cured, but the treatment aims at reducing or managing the symptoms they cause.
Voiding dysfunction – this disorder usually occurs in children. In simple terms, it is a problem with the bladder filling or emptying, which may case frequent urination. And since the muscles that control the bladder also control bowel movements, constipation may also accompany. The treatment of this medical condition is based on determining its underlying cause. To take care of urinary wetting and constipation, affected kids are usually recommended to increase their dietary fiber intake. Also, it is recommended that children increase their water intake, and avoid stuffs like caffeine, carbonated beverages, citrus juices, and chocolate, which are bladder irritants.
Increased urination is not a serious health concern, nor is constipation. But when these two symptoms occur together, then they might indicate something serious. And when they do, one must go for a medical checkup, and rule out potential problems.