Drinking green tea is effective to minimize the chances of developing diabetes in healthy people. Also, the major benefit of green tea is to control sugar level in the bloodstream and reduce the progression of this polygenic disease.
Of all the teas, green tea is believed to be the healthiest alternative, which contains active ingredients in their natural forms. Some effectual ways to manage diabetes are having green tea, consuming a healthy diet in the correct serving size, reducing sugar intake in any form and engaging in exercise. One of the amazing benefits of green tea for patients with diabetes is keeping weight under control. For diabetics, maintaining weight within a healthy range is a part of the treatment method.
Green Tea: At a Glance
Green tea has been used for medicinal purposes in China since centuries. It is used as a medicine for treating a wide range of health conditions, including mild headache, high blood pressure, elevated blood sugar and depression. You might be already aware about the benefits of green tea for weight loss and detoxification. It lowers bad cholesterol level in the blood, slows down aging process and reduces heart diseases. This beverage is also linked with arresting growth of cancer cells and killing them.
But what is it in green tea that makes it beneficial for diabetic patients? The preparation process of green tea involves minimal oxidation and fermentation, thus restoring the antioxidants without alteration. According to medical researches, this specific tea type contains some of the most valuable antioxidants (especially polyphenols), vitamins, proteins, amino acids, folic acid and several other curative components. Altogether they are responsible for providing the medicinal benefits of green tea.
Green Tea for Patients with Diabetes
As per the proponents of green tea, this medicinal tea is beneficial for controlling blood sugar level without causing adverse reactions. The role of green tea in maintaining blood glucose is brought about by the action of polyphenols, which help in sugar metabolism process. It boosts the production of insulin hormone indirectly and counteracts the assimilation of glucose molecules in the bloodstream. This way, drinking green tea is beneficial to lower glucose level for patients with diabetes.
In a medical survey, green herbal tea is given to diabetic patients, just after their meals. Following this, blood samples are drawn from the patient to check postprandial sugar level. Surprisingly, the results are lower than that were before. Thus, the conclusion is, green tea is effectual for reducing postprandial hyperglycemia. Using green tea in conjunction with diet and exercise is effectual to maintain insulin levels, which in turn reduces the need for medications.
For patients having diabetes condition, a major complaint is slow healing of injuries and wounds, which is basically due to a weakened immune system. Green tea loaded with antioxidants is effectual to combat the negative effects of free radicals, thus promoting quick recovery of skin wounds. Other benefits of green tea are reducing flatulence, solving indigestion, increasing urine secretion, maintaining body temperature, managing stress and ensuring normal functioning of the heart.
In healthy people, regular consumption of green tea reduces the risk for developing type 2 diabetes in future. Nevertheless, a word of caution with drinking green tea regularly is, use of sweetener for increasing its taste. And when it comes to green tea for diabetics, using sugar or alike sweetening agent in preparing tea doesn’t make sense. If this is so, consuming green tea will elevate the blood sugar level and increase medical complications, rather than addressing diabetes.
Indeed, there is hardly any beverage that is medicinally as valuable as green tea. However, to reap the advantages of green tea benefits, purchasing it from a trusted brand and brewing tea correctly are the prerequisites. While purchasing, select unadulterated, caffeine free green tea and follow the brewing directions. Also, consulting the concerned doctor before including green tea as a part of the diet is a necessity. Today, many doctors suggest green tea as a healthy beverage for diabetic patients, especially those with type 2 diabetes.