Fever, muscle aches and formation of red blisters on the infected area are some of the symptoms of herpes in men. To know more about oral herpes, read on…
Herpes is a viral infection resulting from exposure to herpes simplex virus. It is categorized into two types; oral and genital herpes. As the name suggests, oral herpes affects the mouth, whereas genital herpes is the infection of the reproductive organs. The symptoms of this viral infection in men are given below:
Oral Herpes
The symptoms appear in the form of sores, which are nothing but blisters that are seen in clusters and cause pain when touched. The most commonly affected area in oral herpes are the lips. When the viral infection spreads inside the mouth, sores start appearing on the tongue and the gum. The roof of the mouth as well as the inner cheeks, showing soars indicates that the infection has spread inside the mouth. In few cases, the sores also affect the throat, which can be troublesome.
The infection trigger a burning sensation, especially when eating or drinking water. Sometimes, the pain can be unbearable, during meals. In some cases, the blisters formed due to the viral infection can also break open and leak fluids. The ruptured blisters can become ulcers (open wounds) and trigger intense pain.
Genital Herpes
The infection affecting the genital area such as the penis, the rectum or the scrotum can be equally painful, especially during intercourse. This happens because the genitals show skin growths in the form of red bumps and sores. Genital herpes typically causes persistent itching in the affected area. Painful urination is also commonly associated with genital herpes.
Early Symptoms of Herpes
Even before the sores develop, the exposed area starts itching and is accompanied by an unusual burning sensation. In the early stages of infection, increase in body temperature is also observed. The person may also experience fatigue, headache, and muscle aches. Enlarged lymph nodes and inflammation of the glands in the neck and the groin area is also an indication of onset of herpes. This may continue for a few days after exposure to the virus. Once the stipulated time is over, blisters begin to form on the affected area.
Genital herpes occurs as a consequence of having a sexual intercourse with a female affected with HSV virus. However, men can significantly reduce the risk of this viral infection by using a condom. Genital herpes is treated with oral anti-viral medications that need to be prescribed by a qualified doctor. For oral herpes, the doctor may prescribe topical anesthetics to alleviate the pain.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.