A Hobo spider is considered to be a very aggressive spider and its bite usually takes a long time to heal as well. In the following article, we will take you through the details of the same and give you more information on this topic.
Though a bite by a Hobo spider is not fatal, it is still considered a very dangerous one because it can lead to varied and severe side effects. What exactly are the symptoms of a spider bite and what are the kind of effects it can have on a person is what this article will get into the details of. Continue reading the following article for more information.
Hobo Spider – Facts and Information
Before getting into the details of the Hobo spider bite symptoms, let us understand a little something more about this species.
Hobo spiders (Tegenaria agrestis), also known as Aggressive House Spiders (AHS) belong to the Agelenidae family and are usually found in several states of the USA, as well as Canada and Europe. Both the female and male Hobo spiders are brown in color and have short strands of hair covering their legs, but no rings. Their abdomens might be marked with chevron shaped markings as well. While some of the features might be common in both the male and female species, there are other features that allow for one to distinguish between the males and females. The male spider has two swollen sacs (known as the palps) which comprises the male genitalia. And even though the female species have these palps, they aren’t as swollen.
The Hobo spiders live in dry and warm climates and are usually spotted during the mid-summer to early fall season. You’ll usually find the male species scampering across the floor in search of a female spider. Though these spiders prefer to live in the outdoors, there are times when they’ll weave their webs in people’s homes. The key feature of their webs is that they are funnel shaped and are a clear identification mark. While every spider is poisonous because it uses the venom to attack the prey that has been trapped in the web, the Hobo spider will not attack unless it senses danger. Though they tend to get more aggressive when they tend to their egg sacs.
Other than that, it perceives danger when it comes in close contact with humans by being stuck in clothes, bedding or when humans tend to come in contact with their webs. In all these instances, they will bite the humans in self defense. While the Hobo spider’s bite is not considered fatal, it can get to be very dangerous.
There are certain characteristic signs and symptoms that a bite from the hobo spider will produce. Let us understand what these are in the following section.
Some Hobo bites do not lead to any symptoms in humans because they fail to inject the venom into the skin. It is the venom that is responsible for producing the varied symptoms in humans. Here is a detailed list of these symptoms.
Within the First 30 Minutes
In the first half hour, there might or might not be any emergence of pain, but the venom will react with the skin and burn off the surrounding tissue. This will result in the hardening of the skin around the area. There will also be noticeable redness and the mark will resemble a mosquito bite.
Within 24-48 Hours
This wound will start to harden, there will be an emergence of red marks and welts across the wound (about 5-15 cm in diameter). The center of these blisters will often break open and there will be oozing from them.
Within 3 Weeks
The blisters will then crust over, giving rise to a scab. This scab will dry and fall off with time. This process could take about 3 weeks. These scabs are usually permanent. If the bite is administered on the fatty tissue, the tissue loss can be severe and take about 2-3 years to heal completely.
Other Symptoms
Along with these symptoms, there will be certain other symptoms that will emerge. These include nausea, vomiting, headaches, flu symptoms, soreness of body and similar.
Hobo Spider Bite – Treatment
It is important to note that any spider bite should be immediately treated so that it does not manifest into something more dangerous. In case of a Hobo spider bite, if the bite has been very severe, then in its extremities it can lead to bone marrow failure, amputation and at times skin grafting. Since the bite of this particular spider will produce similar symptoms like those of the Brown Recluse Spider, if possible, the specimen should be brought into the emergency room for proper identification. What are the ways in which the treatment can be undertaken? The following are the necessary treatment steps that should be undertaken:
- Ensure that you do not move too much or it can cause for the venom to spread further.
- Don’t touch the wound, but let the fluid ooze out on its own.
- Do not suck the skin in hopes of removing the venom. This can further spread the flow into the skin.
- Wash the bite area with salt and water or soap so that the area is clear of any toxins. Do not use hot water while washing the wound. It can cause the venom to spread faster.
- Applying a cold compress helps in dealing with the pain and in preventing further spread of the venom. A warm compress is a big no, no because it can lead to increased blood flow and thereby cause for the venom to spread.
- Always keep the area elevated.
- It is usually advised that you mark the area of the initial wound that develops, so that the doctor is able to monitor the spread of the venom.
- Children and small infants should be taken to the emergency room immediately because they tend to be more sensitive to the bites.
- Some people are allergic to spider bites and can go into an anaphylactic shock which causes for the emergence of symptoms like breathing difficulty, swelling, rashes, nausea, shivering and more. In such a case, the patient should be taken to the emergency room immediately.
- The doctor will take the necessary steps by administering certain medication forms.
While these are the treatment options that you can undertake, it is always advised that you prevent these bites to begin with. Which can of course be done by controlling the growth of the spiders. Block their entry into homes by covering cracks, keep the garden clean, wear clothing that will cover you completely when working in the garden, check for clothes and equipment for signs of the spiders before getting into the house and use sticky traps if needed. All these factors are good enough to prevent the rampage of spiders inside the house and thereby the bites that could follow.