Nascent iodine is a safe form of iodine supplement and it does not cause any irritation to the body. Read this article to know more about its benefits.
Iodine is a mineral substance, which is required in trace amounts for proper growth and development of the body. Every single cell in our body needs iodine. It is stored in the glandular system of the body. Almost 60% of the total iodine in the body is present in the thyroid gland and the rest is stored in the brain, spinal fluid, salivary glands, breasts, ovaries, etc. Most of the iodine is utilized by the thyroid gland for production of thyroid hormones, which are essential for various metabolic processes. Therefore, deficiency of iodine can cause severe harm to human health and may lead to serious diseases like goiter, etc.
What is Nascent Iodine?
Nascent iodine is a consumable form of the mineral and is used as a nutritional supplement. It is found in liquid state and has a golden yellow color. The uniqueness of nascent iodine is that it is not found in the usual molecular form. Rather, it is in ionic form, which means that it holds an electromagnetic charge and is in an activated state. As a result, it is readily absorbed by the body. In fact, after you consume nascent iodine, it will remain in this ‘charged’ or energized form for the next 2-3 hours. The body considers this active iodine ingredient as the same as that produced naturally by the thyroid glands and it is assimilated into the body almost immediately.
Health Benefits
Some common dietary sources of iodine are sea foods, dairy products, eggs, spinach, iodized salt, etc. Those who do not get enough iodine from their foods can take nascent iodine to meet the daily requirement of the body. It can also be used for overall well-being of the body. Some of the key nascent iodine benefits are given below:
- The most important role of nascent iodine is to provide nourishment to the thyroid gland. It is then used up for the preparation of essential hormones like thyroxine and triiodothyronine. These hormones help the body to maintain its Basic Metabolic Rate (BMR). In this way, it helps to carry out vital bodily functions like regulating body temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, cell repair, etc. normally.
- It enhances the energy level of the body and makes you feel active. This is possible because it enables the body to utilize the calories, which are obtained from foods and prevents them from getting deposited in the form of fats. As a result, the energy levels remain high.
- It can be used for detoxification of the body systems. If the body is exposed to harmful chemicals such as fluoride or heavy metals like lead or mercury, then ingestion of iodine can ensure fast expulsion of these toxins.
- Its natural antiseptic qualities facilitate removal of biological toxins like bacteria or virus. Thus, it strengthens the immune system and enables it to fight off various infection causing pathogens and keeps you healthy.
- Nascent iodine is good for pregnant women. Its regular intake ensures proper growth and development of the fetus. At the same time, it reduces the chances of still births or any kind of birth defects in the baby to a great extent.
- Nascent iodine has amazing cancer fighting properties. It triggers programmed cell death or apoptosis. Apoptosis is a specialized cell mechanism where cancerous cells destroy themselves but do not cause any harm to the healthy cells of the body. This helps in easy elimination of malignant cells from the body.
- It can give you healthy skin hair, nails and teeth. Regular intake of nascent iodine can make your skin glow. Those who are bothered by hair loss problem can have nascent iodine to promote hair growth.
- It is often used for iodine deficiency treatment in order to restore normal levels of iodine in the body. People with deficiency of iodine often have low levels of energy. On the very first dosage, one can see a marked improvement in the energy levels. Moreover, the patient can get rid of iodine deficiency symptoms within a short span of time.
To yield results, the daily dosage of nascent iodine may vary from 2 drops to 8 drops depending on your health condition. However, it should be taken as per the instructions of your physician in order to avoid iodine overdose, which is harmful for health. It may not suit people with sensitive stomach or kidney problems. Even pregnant women and nursing mothers ought be extra careful and should take it as per the instructions provided by their doctors.