When a medical decision of choosing a LASIK surgeon arises, it is essential that you consult your family physician and take his opinion into consideration. Apart from this, the upcoming HealthHearty article tells you how to choose a trustworthy LASIK surgeon.
Did You Know?
Approximately 10% of patients after undergoing LASIK in the United States need to get reoperated to correct their vision that has diminished over time.
When you decide for LASIK (Laser-assisted in situ Keratomileusis) surgery, it is very important that you put your vision into reliable hands to get the desired result. The surgery that changes the shape of the cornea is touted to be a cure for vision impairment such as nearsightedness and farsightedness. Thus, after undergoing LASIK, use of spectacles and contact lenses may no longer be necessary. However, healthy eyes and a good eyesight after surgery are possible only if it is performed by a surgeon who is competent enough to do the procedure in a correct manner. Here are some beneficial tips for making the right choice.
Check the License and Board Certification
A license permit to practice and a certificate from the American Board of Ophthalmology is a prerequisite to practice LASIK surgery in the United States. To verify the credibility of the surgeon, you can access the National Practitioner Data Bank that keeps information about malpractice records. You can uncover whether the surgeon has lost his license due to medical malpractices or not.
Confirm the Surgeon’s Qualification
Check whether the ophthalmologist that you have visited has a Certificate in Laser Refractive Surgery. Although the certificate given by the Royal College of Ophthalmologists is not mandatory to perform laser eye surgery, having it gives the recognition and credibility to carry out this laser procedure. Also, most doctors who have the membership status of the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) have the license and permission to carry LASIK. So, you can contact this organization to know about its members who practice this surgery.
Check for an ACS Membership
Verify whether the surgeon is a certified member of the American College of Surgeons (ACS). Getting an ACS membership is no easy task as the doctor has to clear a set of stringent norms that assess his credibility. Becoming an ACS member is a rigorous test of a surgeon’s competence, and moreover, the association thoroughly investigates and scrutinizes the education, training, professional qualification, and ethical behavior of the surgeon. When all these requirements are found to be compliant with the high benchmark specifications set by the association, only then the surgeon is granted membership and is referred to as ‘Fellows’. The surgeon upon getting the membership will have an FACS (Fellow, American College of Surgeons) designation after his name.
Inquire about Referrals
Your family physician might be well aware of a good LASIK surgeon in your area. You can also ask your GP on his opinion about a surgeon you have recently visited. So, a referral from your health care provider can also be helpful in finding a reliable surgeon.
Go Online
In today’s Internet-centric world, finding a good surgeon has become a lot easier. Simply visit the site trustedlasiksurgeons.com to get to know the expertise and the specialist in your state. So, whether you are living in Beverly Hills, California, or Manhattan, the website provides a list of highly respected LASIK eye surgeons practicing in various cities in the United States. Those included in the list have extensive experience as a refractive eye surgeon in the United States. They are reliable, confirmed, approved, and with whom you can trust to correct your vision. The website provides an easy way to contact a well-reputed, distinguished refractive surgeon.
Ask Questions
When you meet the eye surgeon personally, you need to ask some questions so as to get an idea about his expertise in refractive surgery. Inquire about how long he has been practicing and the number of surgeries he has performed in the recent months. The surgeon should have at least 3 years of experience and carried out at least 500 surgeries in the last 2 years. Don’t be surprised if you find surgeons who have carried out over 10,000 such eye surgeries in their lifetime. The longer the experience and the greater the number of procedures performed, the more trustworthy the surgeon will be. Also, there are other different types of laser-based procedures such as CK, LASEK, and PRK. Also, ask whether the surgeon is an expertise in these procedures and inquire the success rate of the laser that will used to correct your vision problem.
The surgeon should honestly discuss all the pros and cons of LASIK. A surgeon who is concerned about your health would be more than willing to answer all your questions patiently.
Patient Testimonials
A doctor who has performed many eye surgeries successfully is often advertised through positive word-of-mouth. So, when you visit the surgeon, ask him about his previous patients and personally meet them to verify whether the surgeon is reputed and trustworthy. Recommendations from patients are a true test of a surgeon’s credibility. You can also go online and check websites like yelp.com that allow you to read testimonials of LASIK patients. Going through some testimonials will help you in choosing the right surgeon.
Check for Payment Plans
This particular surgery can be expensive, so when you visit an eye care center, inquire about the financing plans and monthly payment options that suit your budget. The payment options can help manage the cost of this surgery. However, when considering the affordability, do not overlook the reputation and expertise of the surgeon.
Quite a few eye care centers provide post-surgical examination and vision corrections without charging a penny up to one year. This is beneficial especially when complications arise during treatment. On the whole, discuss the risks associated with LASIK, and only then make a well-informed decision of whether it’s a risk worth taking.