If you are wondering whether it is safe to consume alcohol while on ciprofloxacin, then the simple answer would be that alcohol may reduce the efficacy of ciprofloxacin, and moreover, the interaction between the two may cause some unpleasant side effects.
Did You Know? Antibiotics can interfere with the metabolism of alcohol in the body, which may cause the accumulation of acetaldehyde, leading to vomiting and drop in blood pressure. |
Ciprofloxacin is a prescription broad-spectrum antibiotic formulated to destroy a wide range of bacterial infections. It is a strong antibiotic, hence, is not prescribed as often as amoxicillin. When taking a prescription course of antibiotics, it is often advised to follow a healthy diet that enhances antibiotic activity. However, can alcohol, which is essentially a depressant drug, help in any way to support the antibiotic activity of ciprofloxacin? Should alcohol consumption be avoided or included in the diet when put on an antibiotic course of ciprofloxacin? Is interaction between these two drugs harmless or a cause for concern? The following sections will answer all these questions.
So, despite diligently following the course of antibiotic, it may delay the recovery from the infection. To put it simply, alcohol intake may reduce the efficacy of the ciprofloxacin. Therefore, consuming alcohol at the expense of reducing the effectiveness of ciprofloxacin is definitely not advisable.
The combination may also cause headaches with much more frequency. No longer will it be a case of occasional headaches. Also, one may experience an increase in nausea and fatigue, indicating that the side effects have become worse. Moreover, ciprofloxacin alone can produce some serious side effects, as it is a strong antibiotic. Hence its interaction with alcohol can be unpredictable.
Although mild to moderate alcohol intake, when on ciprofloxacin, might not be a cause for concern, most doctors recommend completely abstaining from drinking when taking this medication. Irrespective of the amount of alcohol consumption, an individual can suffer from irritating side effects. This means mixing the tablet in your glass of alcohol has to be strictly avoided, as such drug interactions, although not documented, can be worrisome. Nevertheless, various studies have shown that in general, the combination of alcohol and antibiotics does produce some nasty interactions.
On the whole, one may have a liking for alcohol, and think that antibiotics are playing a spoilsport in the endeavor to have a couple of drinks. However, considering the possible interaction risks, it is advisable to stay away from booze when taking ciprofloxacin.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.