Many people are concerned about mercer infection. The common question, which people ask is ‘Is mercer infection contagious?’ The answer is in the affirmative, and the reasons for the same are explained in the article below.
Mercer infection is a type of bacterial infection caused by Staphylococcus aureus. It is caused by a mutated strain of Staphylococcus, called the Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MSRA). This strain of staph is resistant to most of the antibiotics. This makes it very dangerous, as there are very few antibiotics that can help in controlling the spread of this problem.
Staphylococcus aureus generally causes skin infections. It is a part of the normal flora of our skin as well as nose. However, when one falls very sick and is admitted to the hospital, the chances of catching this problem is high. This strain is resistant to many antibiotics and was one of the first strain of bacteria to mutate and become resistant.
Until sometime back, this problem was generally considered to be acquired from the hospital. This means, people admitted to hospitals or nursing homes were more susceptible to developing it. However, new strains have been discovered and are found to have new genetic as well as microbiological characteristics. These organisms are capable of causing this problem in healthy individuals in the community. This new type is called community-associated MRSA infection.
Is It Contagious?
This disease is considered to be very contagious. It is generally acquired in a hospital or a healthcare facility. Today, it commonly spreads at places, like shopping centers, schools, gyms, and other community places. It can spread to healthy individuals from infected people. The bacteria can spread from person to person by direct touch, touching of contaminated surfaces, through air, etc.
This bacteria can become air-borne and spread far and wide. Many people tend to become carriers of MRSA. They show no signs and symptoms of the disease and carry the bacteria on their skin. These people are not even aware that they are carriers of germs, which cause this condition. Thus, exposing a lot of susceptible individuals to a possible problem.
This condition can lead to a disease only if it gains entry into the body. Even if it does, a strong immune system will help prevent it from spreading within the body. Therefore, it is generally seen in affected people who are sick. They have a weak immune system that makes them susceptible. Also, people who are very old or young like children with weak immune system are more prone to MRSA. People who are not hospitalized or have undergone a surgery can also be infected if the bacteria gets a chance to enter their body through cuts, wounds, respiratory passages, etc.
Preventive Measures
As mentioned earlier, this condition was said to be solely acquired from the hospital. Recently, more and more cases of acquiring it from community are being observed. Since it spreads easily, it is essential to observe a few preventive measures. It generally spreads from person to person contact. Therefore, make sure you wash your hands regularly with a soap and water. If you visit the gym, make sure you take a shower after exercising. If you are hurt or injured, keep your bandages clean and change the dressing regularly.
Never share your personal items, like handkerchief, towels, clothes, uniform, and razors with anyone. You should wash your laundry with bleach and hot water to get rid of the bacteria. If you develop any skin problem, seek medical attention, as you never know when a MRSA strain infects your wound. These wounds are very difficult to treat, and early detection and prevention will help cure them sooner.
Disclaimer: This HealthHearty article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.