If you use L-lysine for shingles, it will prove to be very effective in terms of battling the herpes virus in your body. A few shots of this amino acid supplement at the onset of will help prevent severe viral action.
Dealing with shingles is like dealing with the worst type of painful rash infection in the body. Once an individual encounters the condition of lysine, he or she must visit the doctor and learn the effective benefits of l-lysine supplement. Lysine is known to contain amino acids as an organic compound material, which can actually help the body to fight harmful viruses and take immediate action against them. Amino acids in lysine totally help to work against the condition called shingles in the most safest way ever. Lysine is a doctor’s prescribed drug, available in the form of capsules or tablets and is meant to be consumed two times a day. So, what exactly are the benefits of these organic compounds? Read all about L-lysine for shingles in this article.
Shingles, a.k.a., herpes zoster, is a severe viral infection that causes painful rashes and fluid-filled blisters in the body. The root cause is the virus named Varicella-zoster, known to be the same virus that causes chickenpox. When this virus is contracted by the body, it reacts very strangely. The appearance of this virus is generally on one side of the body, usually around the neck, waist, or chest. When a person is affected by this condition, the common symptoms observed are tingling, feeling of numbness, burning sensation, red rashes turning into horrid blisters, and so on. Sometimes, headaches, fevers, and stress is seen as well. The period for which they last is really long, about 4-5 weeks, depending upon the way it is treated. The virus is contagious, and there is a high possibility that the person encountering this virus could be hit by chickenpox, in case he or she never had one before.
For getting rid of this problem, the best of the best medical centers and neurological institutes across the globe have contrived the best functional remedy called L-lysine. According to the thorough medical research and studies, lysine has proved to treat and heal shingles by hastening recovery time and efficient results. Moreover, lysine supplements helps reduce the condition in such a way that there are very less chances for them to recur. So, with this take, here is a wider look at the major role of lysine.
The Role of Lysine
Lysine is an essential amino acid, which our body requires in our regular diet on a very high potential. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and play a vital role in the development, growth, and breakdown of fats in the body. Lysine is supposed to be consumed through dietary supplements or a variety of foods, because our body doesn’t produce this naturally occurring organic compound. If an individual consumes food, like eggs, poultry, soy, or red meat, all these food items render high amount of protein content. Lysine in our body plays a very important role, which we are so unaware of. It helps make carnitine (converting fatty acids into energy). It also helps formulate collagen which is required by the connective tissues and bones in the body. Acquitting all these benefits, some of the main reason l-lysine is used for shingles is because it helps treat mouth and other genital excoriations, which are caused by the oral herpes virus (herpes simplex virus).
Note: Before consuming L-lysine for shingles, for ulcers, cold sores, or as a matter of fact for any other reason, it’s advisable to consult a doctor beforehand.
The benefits of this supplement are substantial and effective. The rashes, painful blisters, and redness occurring in the area quickly vanishes and heals if lysine is used in such a condition. The requirement for this supplement is high in the body, since there are amino acids present in the content, which repairs the wear and tear of the body. So, speaking for its benefits, here are some notable pointers under this subject.
- As shingles are very painful due to the recurrence of zoster virus, l-lysine helps treat the outbreak.
- There is relief and prevention of herpes, cold sores, and canker sores as well.
- Moreover, a good intake of lysine promotes good bone health.
- It is also known to reduce the harshness of cold sores, and to a certain extent, inhibits the herpes virus.
- It also benefits in rendering healthy skin, tendons, ligaments, and synthesizes collagen in the body.
With all these benefits, you must have come to know how this supplement helps and proves to be effective for all those people who suffer from shingles, cold sores, canker sores, and so on. It’s highly advisable to consult a health care professional or a doctor before starting with the lysine supplements.
Disclaimer: This HealthHearty article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.