Large volume liposuction is a surgical procedure that is used to remove fat deposits from more than 5 parts of the body. To gather more information about this procedure, keep reading.
Liposuction is surgical technique for removing excess of body fat with the help of a suction. It is typically performed by a plastic surgeon. Liposuction is usually done for spot fat removal. However, nowadays it is used for removing fat from many, minimum 5 parts of the body. Such a type of liposuction is known as large volume liposuction. Large volume liposuction is a safe procedure when performed by a trained and experienced surgeon and in a good facility (state-licensed or certified by a recognized surgery accreditation body). When conducted following the safety guidelines, there are very less chances of the procedure leading to any complications.
It can be performed only on those who meet certain criteria. According to the standard criteria, you are eligible for this liposuction procedure if you are physically and psychologically active. Secondly, you should not be more than 50 pounds over your ideal body weight. Thirdly, if you have an excess of fat and tissue that you cannot get rid of with regular methods of fat loss like diet control and exercise.
The Procedure
Large volume liposuction makes use of small metal suction tubes called cannulae under the skin to remove fat deposits from the target body parts. The procedure can finely tune the areas of your body. It does not re-sculpt them. The surgical procedure begins with the injection of saline based local anesthetic agent under the skin in the target region. This leads to increase in the liquid content of the fat, and hence causes swelling. The surgeon may use an additional general anesthetic and pain killers to numb the target site. The softened fat is then suctioned out through cannulae. This procedure can remove fat deposits from many parts of the body in one session.
When the fat removal part of the surgery is complete, the incisions may or may not be closed, depending upon the preference of your surgeon. If he prefers to close the incisions, he may use a few stitches for closure. There is restriction to the amount of fat that can be removed at one time. It does not exceed 15 pounds. Therefore, if you are too heavy, you may need to undergo a number of sessions to see the desired effect on your body. The cost depends upon a number of factors. Some of them are, number of areas of the body undergoing liposuction, types of machines being used, types of anesthetic agents, experience and skill levels of the surgeon, etc.
Possible Side Effects
The greatest benefit of liposuction is loss of body fat. You get to enjoy a lighter and slimmer body. But the side effects of this surgical fat removal are numerous. They may vary from person to person, but are more or less similar to those mentioned below.
- Allergy to medicines used during the surgery
- Bruising
- Bleeding
- Swelling
- Discomfort
- Microbial infection
- Difficult and extended recuperation
- Migration of blood clots to vital body structures like lungs, increasing the risk of life-threatening consequences
- Scarring
- Excessive loss of fluids
- Damage to vital organs
- Nerve damage
As an aspirant for liposuction, you should always keep in mind that you are undergoing it because you cannot shed fat from a certain body part by dieting or exercising. It means that your genetic make-up is such that a particular part of your body tends to deposit fat and does not shed it easily. You have always a higher chance to accumulate fat there again. To prevent such an undesirable occurrence, you should take good care of what you eat. In addition to eating healthy, you need to be physically active to maintain the effect derived from this liposuction method.