Liposuction swelling is one of the demerits of liposuction surgery. Considered to be a normal postoperative side effect, it can be treated by taking certain measures. Here is some information about it in this article.
Contrary to the popular belief, liposuction is not a treatment procedure for obesity. Rather, it’s a cosmetic surgery, that aims to remove excess fat from different parts of the human body. Buttocks, thighs, stomach and abdomen are some of the most common areas where liposuction is used to get rid of extra fat. The basic methods of liposuction are the same, however liposuction procedures may vary like ultrasound, traditional, wet and tumescent liposuction. Though risks associated with this surgery have considerably decreased, this article aims to focus on one of the most commonly observed side effects-swelling in the surgery area of the body.
Liposuction Swelling Treatment
Swelling after liposuction is an inevitable condition in most of the cases as the body of the patient may respond sensitively to the operational procedure. Some liposuction swelling is always there and so it is assumed to be a part of the healing process, post operation. Swelling after liposuction is natural, however, if excessive swelling persists for a long time, it can be treated with various measures.
Stick to a Healthy Diet
A healthy lifestyle backed by a healthy diet is important to help the body heal. Liposuction usually leads to dehydration at an extensive rate, so drinking plenty of water is necessary to avoid swelling in the operated body parts. Staying hydrated and taking meals thrice a day, according to the dietary recommendation of your doctor, goes a long way in diminishing swelling of the body parts. To further strengthen the immune system avoid processed, spicy and oily foods.
Say ‘No’ to Water
Say ‘NO’ to water when it comes to cleaning the area being operated. Applying ice pack therapy or water to the affected parts is strictly NOT allowed. Till the body is not healed completely, avoid soaking the body in bath or swimming pool.
Visit a Massage Therapist
Massage therapy is a possible treatment method to reduce the swelling that has occurred post liposuction. Swelling accompanied by bruising can be treated through massage therapy like lymphatic drainage massage therapy. However, consider this option only after consulting your medical expert. Since a doctor is more aware about your health, he would be the best person to advise you on considering this massage option.
Take Regular Medications
Take regular medications and ensure that you don’t skip them frequently. You will be given medicines that will help you reduce the swelling. Taking your medicines in time and on a regular basis is essential to reduce the swelling effectively.
Wear Compression Garments
One of the most effective solutions for decreasing liposuction swelling is to wear compression garments which have been recommended by doctors as they are beneficial in decreasing swelling. However, they are equally uncomfortable as they are extremely tight to wear. The idea behind the tight fitting compressive garments is to ensure that the fresh wounds are in place and which will help reduce the swelling of the surrounding areas.
Liposuction swelling, as stated earlier, surely exists in all cases of liposuction, though with varying degrees. Therefore, instead of panicking or being over worried, a patient must be prepared to accept it as a part of the healing process. Nonetheless, he must not be complacent and wait for things to get settled on its own. In some cases, if swelling appears to have a greenish or reddish-colored pus, you need to get it checked by a doctor. It is necessary to contact your medical practitioner in such urgent cases. Liposuction swelling is curable but it requires time (few weeks to few months) before it is successfully cured. You need to follow your doctor’s advice so that you can get back to your normal lifestyle.