Knowing the most common symptoms of low vitamin D can help prevent various life-threatening ailments. In this article, we identify the symptoms and causes of low vitamin D, and also learn how to tackle the situation.
Before getting started, let’s first learn something more about this miracle vitamin. Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin which is considered something very important for the smooth functioning of the human body. Popularly known as the ‘Sunshine Vitamin’, it helps in making the bone and blood tissues strong. This vitamin is called the sunshine vitamin because it’s created in the body when the body is exposed to sunlight.
Currently, there are several types of vitamin D which have been discovered, the most popular being vitamin D1 (ergocalciferol) and vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). All these different forms work for the better growth and development of the body.
Vitamin D deficiency is becoming a more common problem than before. This is because of unhealthy lifestyle, poor dietary habits, lack of exercise, and minimum exposure to the morning sunlight. So, it’s absolutely necessary to recognize the different deficiency symptoms of vitamin D, so as to avoid any potential health hazard.
Did you know that the daily recommended dosage for vitamin D is a mere 200 IU (International Units), and most of us don’t even get that. Why does this happen? How can we miss out on the most abundant vitamin in the universe? Let’s check out the various reasons for vitamin deficiency;
- Not getting enough sun exposure is one of the main causes of vitamin D deficiency. People who have indoor jobs, or work only during the night probably don’t get enough sun exposure.
- Protecting the skin against the sun is good, but applying too much sunscreen can prove unhealthy for the body. Applying sunscreen in heavy doses prevents the body from taking in vitamin D from the sunlight.
- As you grow older, your body requires more supply of vitamin D for the proper functioning of the bones, muscles, and tissues. The daily intake which was ideal at the age of 18 might not be at the age of 30, hence, resulting in low vitamin D levels.
- Even genetic diseases can sometimes be the prime cause of low vitamin D levels. In such cases, the body is incapable of converting sunlight into vitamin D.
- As vitamin D is stored into hormones of the liver and kidneys, people suffering from liver and kidney disorders may also suffer from this deficiency.
Vitamin D is crucial for our body, and low levels is the prime cause of various life-threatening conditions. Rickets is one of the most common signs of vitamin D deficiency. The bones get weak and the legs often begin to bend due to the pressure of the weight of the body. These weak bones indicate that there’s less supply of calcium in the body, which means there are low levels of vitamin D in the body. You can also suffer from frequent bone pain, bone fracture, and a low bone density. Lack of this vitamin also results a fall in the level of phosphorus and calcium, which exposes the body to a host of other illnesses. Various other symptoms include high blood pressure, bone cancer, fatigue and exhaustion, depression, muscle pain, bowed limbs, and type 1 diabetes.
The best treatment for vitamin D deficiency is more exposure to the sun. You can also get more of it through dietary supplements. Consuming vitamin D foods is a great way to boost up its levels in the body. Keeping a track of your progress by getting a monthly check up done by your family physician is also a good idea.
Low vitamin D symptoms in men can be easily checked through proper care, and if proper action is taken at the right time, related health issues can be avoided.