Neurofeedback therapy is an age-old technique of trying to regroup one’s wiring in the brain to help patients function normally again. This can be a life-changing experience for many patients, where it has now regained popularity among doctors.
Neurofeedback therapy is a treatment option that shows promise to those who are willing to give it a try. This treatment method is seen as effective for children and young adults, since the electrical activity of an older adult’s brain through treatment, is much harder to alter and get back on track. It is important to motivate kids and others who try out this option, since the sessions can last up to about 50 at a time, and could possibly add to about $100 per session. Whether your insurance covers it or not, is really dependable on if the company will cover this in their policy.
There is a silver lining for those who really need this kind of option for family members or friends, where a company known as SmartBrain Technologies is your go-to provider for affordable and advanced neurofeedback technology solutions. They turn the most drab setting into one that is engaging, fun, effective and above all reasonably priced to comfortably aid patients with varied conditions of the brain. Be sure to visit their official website for more information on how they can be of service to you.
It takes time for the therapy to right what is wrong in the brain’s activity, by changing the way stimuli respond to new information. This therapy helps to metabolize the functions of the brain and improves dendritic connections. It also promotes a good flow of blood, and helps stabilize neurotransmitters which will help patients work on their cognitive abilities to perform assignments and activities to help the brain cope with the new change.
The central nervous system is what is worked on here, focusing on the spinal cord and brain to help coordinate it with internal and external tasks. Neurofeedback therapy works on different areas of the brain, heightening one’s function and helping one emerge from their state of incapacity. This method has worked with many disabilities and brain problems, where the success rate so far has been seen as moderately good. Working on patients at a younger age would be advisable and more positive an outcome, although older adults can give this a go too. Another similar method known as biofeedback is used on patients where the same functionality of neurofeedback is exercised.
How Does Neurofeedback Therapy Work?
The side effects of this kind of therapy is a rare phenomenon, with mild cases like skin reactions to the sensors placed against the skin, or the products used during the therapy. There have been no major recordings of any blown out of proportion side effects, except that if patients are pushed beyond a certain limit than what the brain can handle, the effects are severe. These are of course completely reversible through other means. The electrical impulses in our brain are worked on, focusing primarily on four kinds of brain waves – alpha waves, beta waves, theta waves and delta waves. Let’s take a look here at how this is done.
- The first step involved is the connecting of two computers, where the therapist works on one PC to keep a track of brain activity of the patient.
- Brains waves that are too slow or too fast are leveled using the therapy’s technique to help balance these out. The patient is asked to focus on a monitor in front of them, where their visual function is directed.
- Depending on how his / her brain waves fluctuate, being either too slow or fast, the beta waves are subsequently increased or decreased accordingly. According to the elevations of the different waves mentioned earlier, the therapy focuses on having these come down or go up to a level that is considered normal for a person’s brain activity.
- The brain accustoms itself to the change in brain waves, learning and adapting itself to these as the therapy’s technique alters the brain’s wiring.
- Sensors are attached around the head portion of the patient and his / her ears, while they stare into a monitor with moving imagery or listen to music being played through ear plugs.
What Problems Does Neurofeedback Therapy Work for?
There are different problematic areas that this therapy can work on, bettering the patient’s ability to use his / her brain’s capabilities in a way that restores their health. Here are the disabilities and problems that can be helped using this form of therapy.
- Chronic fatigue
- Severe anxiety
- Depression
- Autism
- Conduct disorder
- Migraines
- Addictions (substance abuse for example)
- Post traumatic stress
- Epilepsy
- Chronic pain
- Panic attacks
- Tourette Syndrome
- Learning disabilities
- Traumatic brain injury
- Peak performance
This kind of treatment can be a ton of help to those who need it the most, where patients have to be able to be positive and willing to give the option a try. Kids may tire from the many sessions and grow bored of the constant waiting, while sitting still throughout the session, but it is going to be of help especially if one is open to the idea and is patient from start to finish.