By adopting a general rehabilitation schedule, it is possible to treat patellar tendonitis. Needless to say, the importance of expert medical professionals and a loving support group is also equally important.
The knee joint experiences a lot of stress in our daily life. This makes it vulnerable to knee injuries frequently. Basketball players suffer from knee problems owing to the great stress they have to put on the knee joints while playing basketball. In fact, patellar tendonitis is one of the most common knee injuries occurring in basketball, football and volleyball players that result due to the overuse of knees. It majorly affects the tendons that connect shinbone and kneecap, called patella. The treatment for this condition generally starts from the approach of examining the signs that this problem shows in the knees. Since patellar tendonitis is also known as “jumper’s knee”, many people assume that it can occur only in people involved in intense forms of sports. However, the fact is that even bumps and leg injuries can cause this condition.
- The most common cause of patellar tendonitis is intense physical activity.
- Uneven balance in the strength of leg muscles can cause uneven pull on the patellar tendon.
- Being obese or overweight increases the risk of this knee problem.
- Frequently getting involved in strenuous exercises leading to strain on knee is also cited as a reason for this problem.
- Stiff thigh muscles, that may generally occur due to physical inactivity can lead to strain on tendons even due to a small leg or knee injury.
Signs and Symptoms
- Pain in the area around kneecap that is experienced after workouts or after running, jogging or doing any intense activity.
- Knee pain increases with increase in the intensity of your workout.
- Walking up and down the stairs is usually painful.
- Painful feeling in the knees during sleeping. Knee pain at night may often lead to difficulty in getting proper sleep.
- Redness around the joint and persistent pain.
Its treatment begins with the doctor examining the signs and symptoms of this medical condition, as well as suggesting some knee pain diagnosis measures like MRI, X- Ray and ultrasound. Before one begins to take the treatment, the patient must be mentally prepared to face the long treatment process as the recovery time of this injury can range from anywhere between a few weeks to a few months.
- A corticosteroid injection in the area around patellar tendon is given to reduce the pain. Any form of stressful physical activity, even jogging or running is not allowed.
- Massage therapy is known to provide pain relief in this condition.
- After applying corticosteroid medication on the affected area, an electric charge is sent through the skin. This is done under the able guidance of a physical therapist.
- A trained fitness trainer or a physical therapist can guide you on several treatment exercises for patellar tendonitis or knee exercises that will help you in getting relief from the pain.
- Complete bed rest is most important as no healing is possible without giving rest to the injured part.
- Apply ice on the inflamed area as it is effective in reducing the pain and redness.
- A strap called infrapatellar strap or a Chopat strap is advised by the doctors to distribute the pressure equally in the knee area. The effectiveness of these products however hasn’t been established to a great extent. It may not work for all patients.
- Generally, treatment is also achieved by Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) like Ibuprofen, Motrin, Naprosyn and Celebrex. Needless to say, taking doctor’s recommendation is very important.
- In the recent developments related to effective treatment of patellar tendonitis, sound wave shocks have been recommended, however their effectiveness is yet to be medically proved.
- Laser stimulation therapy is also recommended to be an option for alternative treatment of patellar tendonitis.
- It rarely happens that surgery is recommended as the treatment option, however, if the doctor feels it is the only way out, the patient must discuss the issues carefully, weighing all pros and cons, post surgery.
By following any of the above treatment procedures, it is possible to experience relief from knee pain. During the treatment process, one should make sure to take complete rest, and not engage in any physical activities. These are important aspects for a speedy healing and recovery.