Steroids that are naturally synthesized in the body are essential for proper growth and development. The use of chemically-synthesized steroids can have both good and bad effects on the body. This article provides information about the benefits of these substances.
Steroids are organic compounds that contain a specific arrangement of four cyclohexane rings joined to each other. These compounds are classified in two categories: corticosteroid and anabolic/androgenic steroid. These are synthesized by the body, and also produced synthetically, with the synthetic version being available as prescription drugs and bodybuilding supplements.
Corticosteroids, which include glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids, are produced by the adrenal gland. Cortisol and aldosterone are naturally-occurring steroids. While aldosterone helps regulate blood pressure, cortisol is released in response to stress, and plays a vital role in stress management and metabolism. Anabolic steroids interact with androgen receptors and help regulate the production of testosterone in the testicles and ovaries. These hormones help in the development of sex characteristics and stimulate muscle growth.
Corticosteroids are used in the treatment of several medical conditions that are characterized by inflammation. These are prescribed for the treatment of allergies, asthma, skin diseases, systemic vasculitis, myositis, and autoimmune diseases such as lupus, Sjögren’s syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, etc. These drugs boost the immune responses of the body and manage symptoms such as inflammation and swelling. They may also prove helpful for regulating metabolism and controlling blood electrolyte levels.
Prolonged use of corticosteroids could also cause side effects such as increased appetite, mood swings, increased growth of body hair, lower resistance to infection, osteoporosis, hypertension, nervousness, sleep-related problems, increased risk of cataracts or glaucoma, fluid retention, etc.
Anabolic Steroids
These are man-made or synthetic drugs that mimic the properties of the male sex hormone, testosterone. These basically promote rapid growth of muscle tissue. Using these substances also boosts energy levels and improves libido. People who use these drugs, experience better recovery rate, reduction in pain due to any illnesses or injuries, lean body characteristics, and enhanced muscle growth. People who are in weight training usually take these substances.
The use of these chemicals is very popular in the field of bodybuilding and athletics. These drugs have the capability to enhance the player’s stamina by cutting down the fatigue level. So, the direct advantage is that people can perform intense workouts or physical activities for longer periods without getting exhausted. You must be aware of the fact that bodybuilders commonly make use of steroids to increase muscle mass. While people who are into sports like running make use of performance-enhancing drugs for becoming faster and achieve higher endurance and stamina.
It must be noted that anabolic steroids are prescription-only medicines. It is illegal to take them without a prescription to increase muscle mass and athletic performance. Moreover, their use can also cause adverse effects such as an increased risk of prostate cancer, hair loss, acne, mood swings, etc. This form of drug abuse can also adversely affect one’s sexual health, putting the users at an increased risk of problems such as shrinking of the testicles, reduced sperm count, infertility, etc.